How Soon Will Hedge Funds Get Margin Called? (AMC)

8 thoughts on “How Soon Will Hedge Funds Get Margin Called? (AMC)

  1. Granted by the time they have to cover the stock price will be so reduced or the companies out of business they will have little to no loss

  2. Frank, I am a Canadian and I apologize for not knowing your system very well, but do these new rules have to be signed off by Congress and President? If so are we not then months away from them being effective? Will Wal-Street not fight these new rules?

    Great content in all your blogs

    1. Hey Rob, certain rules democrats are trying to approve regarding broadening consequences for Citadel are actually going through a committee and shouldn’t take longer than a month. Our government and brokers are seeing Wall Street is over leveraged so I don’t see how Wall Street can provide a rebuttal

  3. You summarized it really well. Will share this on stocktwits and discord servers. You should share this on reddit yourself!

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