Charles Schwab Raises Margin Requirements For AMC & GME Stock

24 thoughts on “Charles Schwab Raises Margin Requirements For AMC & GME Stock

  1. When the margin call takes place, do we enter our sell amount then? Do we set a limit Sell amount previous to the squeeze? Webull will only allow me fo set a small sell limit. Please anyone… I habe signed up 8 of my friend and family. I own only AMC shares. Please tell me how to exit this as a true Ape with maximum potential and Diamond hands! Thank you for the article and I love you all Apes! ❤️


  2. How does this effect institutional holders, like Citadel? If I’m reading this right, this is only for Charles and TDA users.

  3. I’m excited I am new to all this but I told about this opportunity from a friend and took a chance and Lord willing this will pay off student loan debt. I’m still learning what this means for me investing through my Charles Scwab account so thank you for the article. I appreciate it!

    1. Hi Anna – you have a good friend. This margin raise affects people who are borrowing the stock such as short sellers betting against AMC or GME. Us retail investors don’t have to worry about this as we’re paying for the assets in full amount. This is good news for the community because it only proves what we already know. We’re winning

      1. Ok I see, I really need to learn more on the terms.
        If you have any recommendations on investing books that I can read to learn more about the concept. Please advise. I’m also a realtor who is trying not have my eggs in one basket but multiple streams of income.

        1. My suggestions to you Anna is to be involved in the community. A lot of the articles I’ve published have proved to be extremely helpful to the community. Within them you’ll also find some of the biggest YouTubers covering this information. You’ll be learning something new every day.

    2. How can selling naked shorts be permitted with AMC when the practice itself is illegal? What am I missing here?

      1. This is what we’ve uncovered during this journey. The SEC will go down as the biggest fraud in history as well.

  4. I am a new Ape! Help me understand something please. If we are all holding and buying the dips when we can, how can there possibly be any shares left for the hedge funds to buy and cover? I know some holders are selling but by the sounds of many of the posts on various message boards, we all understand that we need to hold for this to everyone take off. Again, with some of the estimates that are oh there with the number of shares that are held, how can there possibly be any left to buy? Thank you in advance for the lesson!

    1. Hi John, this is a great question brother. See, the transactions don’t occur between us and short sellers directly. Securities are transacted through a middle-man so to speak, or ‘clearing houses’. They’re in charge of fulfilling your order when you sell or buy. They then hold the security and pass them on endlessly between investors.

    2. That’s exactly the point John, the naked shorts (fake shares) need to come from somewhere eventually. That will be from us (apes) at the price we are willing to sell at. The longer we hold, the more the price goes up.

      1. The author should date this about 3 months in the past. Because that’s around the time they changed it for GME. Just scroll to the bottom of your own link.

  5. Would this mean that they would also require retail investors to have 100% margins on their long AMC positions? If so, then there may be some impact on some retail investors as well.

      1. Uh retail investors have margin accounts and the ability to take short positions and buy puts.

        1. Yeah absolutely. Certain brokers don’t and some do. Most investors who are required to keep a minimum margin are those leveraging their positions (shorting).

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