December 8, 2024

NSCC-2021-010 Prevents Naked Shorting and FTDs [Canceled]

35 thoughts on “NSCC-2021-010 Prevents Naked Shorting and FTDs [Canceled]

    1. We broke the $30 levels of resistance. Our progression has merely been slowed down. Once the lid pops from all this pressure, none of this manipulation would have mattered. Shorts are getting crushed and it will be a matter of time before AMC has runway to surge again.

  1. Noticed an error. You say

    “All retail investors need to gamma squeeze AMC at this moment is to bulk up on the stock.”

    However a gamma squeeze is the product of heavy OTM options buying forcing option sellers to delta hedge the underlying stock. That’s how the sneeze happened in January, all the wSB degens piling into short-dated OTM calls essentially made every 1 option contract they bought worth the 100 shares the option seller would then need to buy to make sure their call was covered.

    Right now the high IV of GME and AMC options makes the prices much higher than January. That means apes will need to dig deeper into their pockets to fund a gamma squeeze. But yeah, if you want to launch the MOASS with a gamma spike we need heavy OTM call option buying along with the share buying.

  2. I am so glad I found your articles…they are really helping me understand exactly what is going on. I am in the UK have 37 shares and am quite sure it will be the best money I ever spent 😊 Without you, I wouldn’t have a clue!! So thank you so much! 👏👏

    1. Vicki thank you for your comment. I appreciate you reading the blog and cheer you on for being part of this movement. We will prevail

  3. I do understand what you are saying, but haven’t we heard this before…. Can the SEC change the ballgame…. hmmmm. When we see the stock move up to the $50 to $70 range and go sit there for 2 or 3 months perhaps that’s a good thing… still Hodl

  4. So will we investors see any noticeable change(s) on 24 August? If so, what are some of the changes?
    Always a great read sir!

    1. I appreciate that Timothy – if properly regulated, AMC should have clear runway to move up without interruption from short sellers

  5. So, I’m a little confused on one aspect of this filing. Is there a specific date when filing amendments or or other changes to rules? If they’re trying to get rid of naked shorting, why not just make one unambiguous rule that cannot be manipulated and that has zero “grey area”? Also, if there’s no specific file dates, ie third Tues of each month, why not just slap a rule #42069 (for example) NO MORE blank OR YOU’RE BANNED FOR LIFE NO EXCEPTIONS!
    Seems to me all of the “filings” are just smoke and mirrors designed to appease the masses. If you want to stop bleeding from your foot, you don’t put a few bandaids on your nipples. Wake up people! We need to start asking the right questions and demanding answers from Gary Gensler. Retail owns 80% of the float. We are AMC!

  6. Hello, amazing article, as always. Please could you tell me how do you get to the date of August 23? I have looked at the 45 days from the date of publication but I cannot find this date clearly. Thanks for your help.

  7. My biggest question, will this stop the naked shorting/FTD’s all together or will they be fined for these actions, If they are fined, how much is the fine? If it’s 20 million fine and they can make a 100 million, this won’t stop anything.

    1. The point is to stop it. I feel like we should give them the benefit of the doubt and keep a positive attitude towards possible change. It took time for the community to be heard, I expect it will take time for change to occur. Thanks for commenting brother.

      1. Thanks for the reply. I’m a new investor and I hope this helps, but time will tell..

  8. Exciting, I imagine this is only in review to delay the initiation of the MOASS so that they can put more things in place for such an event that would even further reduce the blast radius.

  9. Within 45 days of this publication on the Federal Registry is the effective date

    Keyword: WITHIN

  10. Love your articles, I read them all the time and I agree with you. When is this rule being passed?

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