A Message to The SEC on Fails To Deliver (AMC)

23 thoughts on “A Message to The SEC on Fails To Deliver (AMC)

  1. Just a question. Does uncovering unbelievable corrupt total BS = short squeeze? It’s great to uncover fraud, we have expected that all along and will continue to uncover fraud but I have learned over the years being right about fraud does not always mean things falls in your favor. It is one thing if an overseeing agency sees the fraud but it is another thing that they actually do something about. We can call foul play all day long but in the end, can’t they say “well, who ever said life was fair”. Please explain the continuous uncovering of corrupt BS = a righteous short squeeze or at least a just outcome. In my heart of hearts, I want this squeeze to happen but in the end, just because it is all our favor for multiple reasons, what really is prevent these regulatory agencies overseeing all this just say “tough shit, life is not fair.”

    1. Hi Andrew. I strongly believe in WE THE PEOPLE. We have the right to overthrow any decentralized form of government that is not fit should our voices not be heard. We are being patient. We need regulators to do their job so that the market becomes a free market as it is intended to be. I will fight for the cause and for the community as long as it takes.

  2. Thank you Franknez, I have found your blog to be an informative and honest source during this corrupt time of FUD. I feel that the SEC has had more than enough evidence to act upon the injustice inflicted by the hedge funds. It really leads to questions as to why we haven’t yet seen action. Are there higher ups tying the SECs hands, for fear of a complete market collapse? Or is the SEC full of immoral, greedy players looking to line their own pockets. I am truly hopeful that the SEC sees the truth, and is in the pursuit of justice. Perhaps they truly are on the side of good, and have yet to come forward because they are still compiling evidence to demolish these evil hedge funds. Whatever their role is in this game – they need to realize that they should align themselves with the forthright- the planet of the apes. If they do, they have a chance to play a hero role in our upcoming AMC smash hit movie. Otherwise, they will go down in history as the most corrupt, evil, government body of the 21st century. 🦍s are winning. It’s a matter of time. We are not giving up. We are an army of the people. SEC – I really hope you’re with us. Because you sure as hell don’t want to be against us. Ape-out.

    1. Joanna – thank you for your comment. You are absolutely right. We are not giving up, and we are not going anywhere. The good guys always win.

  3. Do you have any information regarding the duration of time between these FTDs occurring and when they are settled? The only information I’ve found from the Fed suggests that fails settle quickly, usually less than 5 days (source: https://www.federalreserve.gov/regreform/rr-commpublic/tch-meeting-20171012.pdf).

    I understand that this creates an opportunity for a naked short to occur, FTD, then delay covering until a cheaper share can be obtained (ideally). I’d also be curious to see what proportion of the shares traded in a day are FTD over a wider period of time because on April 14, 2021 that 2.7M of FTD shares represents ~5.3% of the daily trading volume (51.17M).

    Interesting concept to discuss but it feels like there’s a bit more to it.

    1. Hey James – it certainly feels like there’s more to it. I don’t have more information regarding the settlement time. Thanks for sharing the PDF with the community.

  4. The SEC needs to start doing there job. We pay taxes to make sure they do there job. They need to make naked short selling illegal at all costs. This should be a free market, not a market we’re the hedge funds can manipulate the market to there own free will and not be prosecuted for it. They need to be prosecuted for 2008 and for everything they have done from then till this current year. The federal government needs to make this right. If they don’t it will only prove that they are colluding with these prominent corrupt hedge funds all along. So we tell them stand up and hold them accountable now and stop this manipulation once and for all.


  6. I believe we need to educate the mass public to the practice of naked shorting and how it has ruined small companies over the years. Since their business model bankrupted small companies they decided to go after bigger ones bc they are greedy bastards. We need to put pressure on the DTCC as they are the ones responsible for the loan sharing program which made naked shorting possible.

      1. SEC needs to step up and do their job as so many people around the world know exactly what is going on with naked shorting. If they don’t people like myself that have over a million dollars in the stock market will pull all their money out and invest in crypto currency as a block chain cannot creat synthetic or fake shares.

  7. Dear SEC, FINRA, and other financial regulators:

    Please do your fucking jobs, and stop embarrassing the US by making our financial system a joke on the global stage. Any day now would be great.



    P.S. *Spoiler* It’s too late. This has gone on unfettered way too long for the rest of the world to ever have faith in our market again.

    I plan on moving to Belize so I won’t have to put one more dollar in our corrupt, broken economic system. I’m hearing many other people say similar things.

    1. I have faith in the universe. As the community grows and more of us spread the truth, justice will be served. The people have power for change when they unite.

  8. It seems all governing bodies what are supposed to be protecting the retail investors, are in fact only protecting the hedge funds. This insane corruption for all those perpetrators involved has to be stopped at once. Look at all the damage cause in 2008,a repeat of that now will be catastrophic. Now is the time for these governing bodies to stand tall in this world and do the right thing for once… STOP ALL MANIPULATION.


      1. I’ve always wanted to get an answer from Frank “King Kong ain’t got Shit on Me” Nez! Really appreciate the work you do and the millions of Apes you have helped get a new lease on life because your information and the 10 million ape army you inspire. This community seems like honestly one of the only ways to pay their student loans, credit card debt, etc. they saddle kids with before their brains have finished forming, so thank you!!!

        I wanted to ask, will the new 002 SEC rule help stop naked shorts? If not, what if any affect/s do you think it will have?

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