An Excellent AMC Exit Strategy Guide: Short Squeeze

33 thoughts on “An Excellent AMC Exit Strategy Guide: Short Squeeze

  1. I am glad I read your articles, I will continue to read and watch videos regarding AMC. This is a historic event that will not happen again. I want to make myself as educated as possible and do the correct moves on a exit plan. I want financial freedom.

    1. Thanks for reading Stacey. I love to hear that you’re doing what you can to educate yourself. Financial freedom will be yours.

      1. Frank-
        I am learning so much from your blog.

        I did have a question- when I bought in to AMC in January- I was totally new to this. I bought it through Stash- I am a teacher and really can’t afford to mess up here. Did I make a mistake investing through them?

        1. Hi Chelsea – I appreciate your comment. The thing about Stash and other investing apps is that you need to be very careful about their policies. You would have to read their fine print as to how much money you’re allowed to take out and so on. Brokerage accounts such as Vanguard and Fidelity are you best choices for investing in stocks. Unlike Stash, you cannot buy fractions of shares with these brokerage accounts. But I personally think it’s a lot better because you then own the entirety of a full share oppose to just increments of it. My suggestion is to read the fine print of your investing app and decide whether you think it’s safer to transfer to another brokerage account. Thanks for reaching out and I hope this helps.

  2. So we continue to hold our stocks, set a selling price in our mind, then once AMC hits that price per share we sell through our investment firm (Vanguard) online. Just like we buy/sell any other stock?
    Thanks for all you do!!

  3. Hi Frank,
    I have had my AMC stocks since January. Along with Blackberry, and small shares in other Canadian and American stocks. About a month ago, I sold all of my other stocks and went all in with AMC.
    I haven’t worked for the last 3 years due to exposure to Asbestos / Silica when I was a young man out of school. I am now been going through testing for a Lung Transplant, as the doctors tell me medications and ther treatments are of no value to me.
    I have went from making a salary of $90,000 a year to government disability of $24,000 a year. I have a wife and 5 children with 3 of them under the age of 17 living with me. While I have had to hire a law firm to fight the insurance company for Long Term Disability, my employer (a Municipality) has terminated me, severed my benefits and life insurance. My wife works in a local factory with some benefits, which cover some of my medications, but the remainder is up to me to pay along with other medical appointments that are not covered.
    These AMC Stocks will be my gift to my children and grandchildren for their futures.
    I have been following “Discord” and you and Trey, to try and keep informed on our progress.
    I guess you can say, “I am all in with AMC”!!

    Thank you and all of the other Apes for the information, their dreams and their knowledge.
    I hope to see you Apes on the moon

    Thanks again Frank for all you have done for this group.

    1. James thank you for sharing your story with the community brother. The good guys always win, see you on the moon 🚀

  4. Stumbled across another article you wrote about AMC and have been drawn in. I own a couple of hundred shares and have been hodling and feel this has been the right move. When it’s dipped I’ve bought more several times. Sometimes I think I’m insane for doing so but have hope that this will balloon into something bigger then I could have imagined. Love Trey’s Trades and now this page. Reddit is my go to night reading and love the posts. Hopefully I’ll look back a few weeks from now and be grateful that I bought a one way ticket to the moon! 🚀 🌝

  5. Hey Frank,
    I am new to trading, but currently hold 310 shares, so I have invested about $3400. One thing I have been thinking about is once the squeeze happens, to take out some shares to get my money back. For example if it were to get to $340, I could sell 10 shares for $3400 and have my money back. Mentally I think from there it would be easier to let the other 300 shares ride hoping for a real moon. However, if me and a million other apes did that, we might be putting too many shares back and hurting the price. Thoughts on that?

    1. Hi John,

      Everyone is going to have their own strategy brother. Some apes might do this, majority won’t. Everyone’s finances are uniquely theirs. If you need to take out your initial investment than no one can tell you what to do. The data from technical analysists predicts that with shorts covering their positions right now the stock could go up to $1-$2k easy, not taking into account synthetic shares, etc. Millions of apes will be holding in the hundred dollar range due to how much further the price action may go.

  6. 319 shares and holding. Will buy more next week and start on an exit strategy. Thanks fornall the information!

  7. Amazing and intereseting blog ! I appriciate your work. It helped me a lot to understand the whole situation about AMC, squeeze, and so on…

    May I ask you, is it better to put limit orders where I split my whole shares, or is it better to put some limit orders and leave some shares for backup or is it better to sell the shares manually?
    An if selling manually, should I sell with a Limit or for Marketprice ?

    Once again thanks for the amazing blog, and I hope we all will earn good experiences when it is over 😀

    Greets 😀

    1. Alex – I appreciate your comment brother. The community doesn’t recommend setting sell limits as it might limit the squeezes potential. Majority of us think the best bet is to sell manually. Because the squeeze could be volatile, it’s probable you won’t be able to sell at market price. We will most likely end up cashing in with a limit order but it’s hard to tell at the moment. This is only and educated guess based on only being able to purchase limits right now. Thanks for being here!

      1. Hey Frank,

        thank you for answering. OK I understand.
        So I will try my best. But I think one limit I will set just to get back my money stack, and than I will see to sell the rest manually.

        So let‘s do the best possible.
        Thank you again, and I further will read your blog and recommend it 👍🏼

      2. Hi! New here and sooooo thankful for your help. I remember learning for the first time in January about how hedge funds can borrow against your money if you don’t have an order on it. In other words, your broker (say Merrill) can lend it back out again, but not if you’ve locked it in with some stop order (which could be ridiculously high). Is there anything to that?

        1. Hi Lowen, thanks for your comment. This is correct. You would have to contact your broker and request that your shares aren’t being lent. Brokers such as Vanguard do not lend your securities. I would check with your current broker just to be sure!

  8. I appreciate all the time and effort you put into your articles that are informative and easy to understand. This event will be a life changing event for me and my wife. Thank you!!

  9. Big thanks to your Blog Frank! I have learned a lot and many others too!

  10. Peace, prosperity, blessings, and the covering of the Holy Spirit be with you now and forever!

    *Generational Wealth it is! To the 🌙 we go!

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