Will The Apes Successfully Take Down Wall Street Again?

14 thoughts on “Will The Apes Successfully Take Down Wall Street Again?

  1. Volume is down because we own it all . There’s nothing left to buy. People have finally figured out that you don’t sell stock when it’s down. The only volume we see is hf shorting. Market manipulation. I watch the volume daily, no reason for it to spike when it does occasionally. Not like some great news comes out and retail goes on a buying fenzie. It’s all fake . And always remember this , the reason we are going to make a lot of money is due to the fact that HF has broke all the rules . If they were actually following the rules this squeeze that will happen would have never happened . So really you need to be thanking HF for giving is this opportunity. And let’s cut the shit for a moment , the fundamentals are shit. Amc hasn’t turned a profit in YEARS. Honestly I don’t think they ever will. I can still catch a movie at my amc for 7 bucks on a matinee. Hell that’s what it cost twenty years ago. I believe prices need to go up. This has come down to the short thesis and that is all. No fundamentals , no nothing else. And AA needs to figure out a way to make money . The gold mine thing ? I don’t know. Hopefully it plays out . I’ll say it again , he needs to get the popcorn in the stores NOW. The popcorn industry is billions across the planet . What in the hell is taking so long , it’s popcorn in a bag. How much did he spend to hire the former frito lay big shit to get this thing going ? Yes I know it sounds like I’m spreading the FUD. I’m not ,just reality . And yes , I’m still holding and will hold until I’m counting stacks of hundred dollar bills . It will squeeze , it’s kind of like physics at this point . For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction , or something like that ! Keep up the good work Mr. Nez.

  2. The SEC and Wall Street have cost the US government hundreds of millions of taxable dollars by extending the squeeze and causing many positions to become long term. In the end, I will pay less in taxes with the majority of my position becoming long term. I continue to hodl my AMC

  3. I keep holding on, and buying whenever I can, it’s been a year since the first purchase and I’m still here, lowering my average and with a motto: Patience Patience and Patience, I’m not going to get tired.

  4. Frank,

    What is the true story about Bank America and shorting. I’ve been told what you reported was false. Was it just bad info passed on or is it true?

    Thank you

  5. I am holding my AMC shares. Do we or should we buy more shares? Or just hold?

    1. Good article Frank … as usual. Even if I become Rip Van Winkle with a long grey beard I will be holding my AMC shares tightly in my gnarled fist. I’m laughing as SHF’s are bleeding in a sea of red.

        1. Kinda surprised that a squeeze hasn’t happened yet. with cost to borrow up, markets down; it seems the Hedges are in no hurry to cover. there’s no crystal ball here, but optics kinda look like Shorts are winning actually. this has been held down, and going down for a year now. truly hope this squeezes and soon. decent amount of skin in the game personally, and combined with Apes.

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