Short Sellers Are Now Paying More to Short AMC Stock

11 thoughts on “Short Sellers Are Now Paying More to Short AMC Stock

  1. Hello Frank you are doing a mega job I am very grateful for the work you do every day for the community, if all this has turned out positively for us I invite you to me in Croatia….

  2. Frank…
    I wish you worked for and/or owned a major broadcast…. That way I know that America would be getting actual accurate news…. Thanks for your journalistic skill and the gifts you give us every day…
    Appreciate you.

    1. I appreciate the kind words brother. I am doing the best to combat mainstream media with my platform. Thank you for being a top ape in the community and for sharing the information 🤝 I see you.

  3. Is there 185mm shares on loan or is it $170mm?
    Also, has the interest rate increased to 23.25% or 23.68%?

  4. Hi Apes , This is Shimmer and I think we are going to be rich !
    🚨2021 AMC Total Vol. vs Darkpool Vol. vs Darkpool Short🚨
    Tot Traded Vol: 28,861,160,055
    Tot DP Traded Vol: 15,229,785,328(52.77% of Total Traded)
    Tot Vol Reported: 24,065,954,138
    Tot Short: 11,288,161,387(46.91% of Reported Vol)
    DP Short: 6,646,133,767(58.88% of Total Short)

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