CALPERS Increases AMC Stake, Sells Netflix Shares

6 thoughts on “CALPERS Increases AMC Stake, Sells Netflix Shares

  1. AMC took good advantage of all the meme stock noobs to build a war chest that they are blowing through like water. The fundamentals have not changed and although they have restructured their debt, it only prolongs the inevitable. This is a $1 stock trading way beyond its value. In the short run, markets trade on emotion, in the long run, fundamentals. AMC will not be around in 10 years.

    1. @ ASB Two questions for you to digest . The fact that they are making money and beating estimates does that mean nothing?
      When the shorts do cover , and correct me if I am wrong. I think they only make their money when they buy back at a lower price than they sold it for . Seems to me Retail will decide when they want to sell and have a say in the price.
      Do you think retail will get out if this stock drops to $1.00 or load up, We all think and that is important what we think , that AMC is not going out of business. The scare & negative tactics have not worked yet .
      If I was short and I am NOT , I would not be sleeping well and would start thinking I better get out before one of the BIG hedges dump and drives the price a heck of a lot higher then $11.71 where it is at the time I am writing this.

  2. Well on paper the stock should go up based on the strong earnings report but it is so manipulated by the hedgies that have so much at stake. Why’s the government not stepping in to stop the manipulation??

  3. Creo que todo seguirá igual, no hay ley, sigue el juego sucio

    1. Agreed. People took theatres for granite. It is called fear of loss. People will want to flock to the movies now because of it.

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