Executive Order 14032 Could Be a Big Deal for AMC Stock

19 thoughts on “Executive Order 14032 Could Be a Big Deal for AMC Stock

  1. A good reason I don’t see the president extending or removing this executive order is because it helps China and China helps Russia while we help Ukraine fight against Russia. It would lead the American public to ask what side of the fence is the president really on or is he sleeping in bed with both has been hinted to before with Biden‘s son having meetings with China. The president is not stuck between a rock and a hard place and the best way out is to let it go forward.

  2. Frank I think you need to really look at this because the kids cover all the headgeunds
    market makers and big bank institution as I don’t want another 2008 crisis going onNSCC-2022-003 Play this was approved yesterday by the SEC APPROVED!!! 05/31/22

    This used to be NSCC-2021-010 that would implement the SFT Clearing Service. It got delayed 9 months and was then removed and resubmitted as NSCC-2022-003. This is the one i was waiting for to pass to tell us they were close to being ready to let the MOASS happen. It would limit or prevent the rest of the market from tanking when the hedge funds started defaulting because it would let them use the NSCC as a go between for loans from other members. If they defaulted the other party would not have to worry they won’t get there money and the NSCC would be able to sell off the loaned securities in a controlled manner to keep the stock from crashing. If it was just a loan between the shorter and the loaner the shorter would dump everything at once and fuck the market. There is no listed date for when it will go into effect so it’s possible it will go into effect right away but don’t be surprised if it’s in a month or so instead.

    Here is a link:



  3. They have had 365 days to prepare for this. Have they gotten away from these companies and made the appropriate adjustments to not be affected? How do we find out if anyone that’s actually involved in shorting amc will be margin called?

    1. Good question. You mean like use something else as collateral?? If they had other options, don’t you think they would have used them by now??

  4. What is stopping the gov’t from extending/replacing the order another year literally the following day, I don’t mind holding but blowing constant smoke is blind optimism.. it’s impossible to predict what will happen let’s be real here.. we have seen already that the sec dtcc and pretty much everyone at the top is not on our side and just looks to screw retail again and again… I’m hopeful but prepared to watch this go nowhere per usual….

  5. This should be straight forward – 14032 releases on Wednesday 2nd June and triggers a short squeeze in AMC, on the same day GME holds its AGM and votes for the stock split which in turn triggers a short squeeze in GME. What a double that would be – is this just a coincidence or has it been planned because the timing seems incredible?

  6. Made a video on the fact that the Lenders will want their shares back and when they do the HFs will be in a heap of trouble.

  7. I’m a little confused on your comment about the synthetic shares not being paid. Could you elaborate? I love your articles and trust your insight. I just understand that portion.

    1. I agree, how can they not be responsible to cover the synthetic shares? There are probably billions of synthetic shares. I see no way that they could just walk away and act like nothing happened.

  8. How are they not going to be held accountable for synthetics? That’s ridiculous for you to say that. So you’re saying they’re blatantly gonna go into people’s brokerage accounts and erase their shares that they paid real money to purchase? That’s spreading FUD in my eyes!

  9. Know Joe Brandon my guess he will extend the plan and once again save their ass’s .
    Hope I am wrong.

  10. Thank you Frank for explaining this in more detail than what I research myself. I wasn’t aware of that the numbers were changed when the administration went from Trump to Biden however the theory is the same should have the same results. Hopefully we can see some positive results in the price section of AMC from today increase going forward till June 3, 2022

  11. I don’t think you’re wrong – also note that June 2nd in the GME annual shareholders meeting – the stock dividend will be voted in and they have promised they will implement it ASAP – likely within 10 days. So massive pressure likely for both – I’m bi-stonkual, so I can’t wait!!!

    1. It’s not a vote for the dividend; it’s voting to allow the company to increase the amount of class A shares to 1B. 10 days later the company may announce a dividend split. Still all positive anyway.

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