Largest Pension in America Buys AMC and GameStop Stock

10 thoughts on “Largest Pension in America Buys AMC and GameStop Stock

  1. Your article makes it sound like Gamestop has some crazy debt, the only debt Gamestop has is a $45m loan owed to the French government for a covid loan. Game stop has over a $1.1 Billion in cash reserves.

    You make it sound like it’s in the same situation as AMC. AMC’s total debt is more than $5 billion.

    AMC Entertainment Holdings Debt to Equity Ratio: -3.319 (Nov ’21)

    Gamestop Debt to Equity Ratio: +0.03 (Nov ’21)

    Nowhere near the same thing.

      1. So if gamestop has “debt” why not include the figures just like you did with amc? Super minor figures from a low interest covid loan given by France(?) IIRC

      2. It’s more than $1 bilion. It’s several times more than the amount of debt you’ve mentioned.

      3. Your article makes it sound like Gamestop has some crazy debt, the only debt Gamestop has is a $45m loan owed to the French government for a covid loan. Game stop has over a $1.1 Billion in cash reserves.

        You make it sound like it’s in the same situation as AMC. AMC’s total debt is more than $5 billion.

        AMC Entertainment Holdings Debt to Equity Ratio: -3.319 (Nov ’21)

        Gamestop Debt to Equity Ratio: +0.03 (Nov ’21)

        Nowhere near the same thing.

  2. Thanks for a good article. As I looked further, the pension was steadily making money from the securities lending business. According to the Fintel disclosure, many pension institutions have purchased AMC’s shares.

  3. Are they only buying these to lend the shares to shorters?… how do we know they are truly long?

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