This Data Shows Another AMC Massive Price Runup is Inevitable

13 thoughts on “This Data Shows Another AMC Massive Price Runup is Inevitable

  1. Frank I saw on your email about cost to borrow. It said BBIG is at 11.80 . Are you saying that is $11.80 per share . If so isn’t that expensive ? That 11.80 is the cost to borrow for how long? 1 Month , 1 year or the cost until its returned?

    1. This is a very good question. The direct answer would be: The lender.
      Who lends out AMC shares at 1.5% when you could have 30% ?
      My guess is: Kenny asked politely. And if the CTB exceeds 1.5% he’ll buy the company and fire the staff…

      1. Thank you. Seemed odd that these people would lend their shares out at such a low rate. That is something they could get with a savings account. There has to be more to the story.

  2. If the second run up went to $72 why is it that most apes think the third run up will be in the thousands ?

    1. The 1st run up was not shorts covering their positions it was a gamma squeeze because of FOMO. This run up will be a gamma squeeze 1st followed by shorts covering their positions. The gamma will get us into the 60s,70s,80s, then the hedges covering and FOMO will get us into the Hundreds. Thousands IMO will not happen because people have been in this play so long that they will start selling the 1st sign of profits. If everyone held god knows where it would go but that won’t happen.

      1. Well Keith right there you have injected a doubt that Apes will sell (FUD) and the hope to go for higher numbers is not there. Apes will not sell, may be you will but I know 99% of apes are going to wait till the MOAS.

        1. This is more likely. Most if not all apes remember what happened in 2008. We are wanting some payback and will not settle. It is like the guy who had his whole family murdered and will not settle for anything less than total payback.

      2. You could be right. But who knows? If There is a couple of billion synthetic shares, and they all have to be bought back then yes it could easily go in the thousands. If they don’t have to cover ALL shares and people settle, then then yeah, no way it will get into the thousands.

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