Will AMC Stock Squeeze in 2023?

Will AMC Squeeze in 2023? Will the movie theatre chain stock reach a new all-time high this year? Here's everything investors should know.

8 thoughts on “Will AMC Stock Squeeze in 2023?

  1. I’m currently down- A LOT. Still I am buying every major dip. Haven’t sold in two years and WILL NOT sell until shorts cover or we go bankrupt. I will go down with this ship before I capitulate. Oh, and I like to eat crayons and poop rainbows.

  2. Shorts do NOT have to close. The true value of AMC will continually be hidden. If Adam Aron wants to have a 10 to 1 reverse split then let him wait until the shares are $55 each, not $4 each. Mr Aron is not solving the corruption problem. Asking retail investors to put more money into the AMC money pit is insanity.

  3. Squeeze! Squeeze? Squeeze? Who’s talking about squeeze? Geeze Wally, apes will be lucky to break even.

  4. Not a chance we squeeze now with all this craziness going on right now.Shorts do not have to close, the key word is brokers will ASK them to, NOT DEMAND . Hell I am afraid of putting $1.00 more into this play . I am losing my ass at this point. I am not sure who’s side Adam Aron is on. I do know than he will do whatever it takes to raise money for the company. ( Even if it means stepping on retail. )
    My big question to Adam Aron is have you figured a way to stop the bleeding or are you just going to keep selling shares to prolong the inevitable , meaning have you figured out how to make money .Unreal how much money is owed. Of course I was to stupid to check it out before I dove in this shit hole play . Hell Ape didn’t even work out for AMC the way they wanted it to, let alone retail , it just killed our play. I have zero confidence in this BS move to save the shorts, Yes it will save the shorts and kill us, it just gives the Hedge fund much more money to make when the price goes up , they are out of room on APE & AMC now. The stock may have squeezed as our prices were in the dirt. Where was Ape going to go before his announcement?? I think it was .66

    1. If you don’t believe in AMC then sell and f off mate. It makes no sense for you to keep holding.

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