13 thoughts on “Why Did FINRA Halt the Trading of MMTLP?

  1. Frank. How do we infirm regular guy 401k ni interest in stocks how this crime and all the games that the carnival full of all the griffs to fleece us rubes

    Its all a ponzi out in our eyes ponzi

    THIS HALT IS what GARY the Glitch alluded too way back when. That if anything out of the ordinary should happen, “say retail is making $$$”
    This is what they will base their argument
    On ” we halted mmtlp back then ND that is the reason we’re halting _______ today.
    We have to all walk in to our states capital and blow whistles

  2. I am fairly new to investing. When they stated the shared purchased on the 9th & 12th WOULD NOT have the Distribution Attached it was OBVIOUS they COULD NOT COVER FTDs with them.

    Easiest example would be, why would you buy a peanut shell without the PEANUTS?

    IF THEY COULD NOT COVER without the Distribution, why would they buy?

  3. This debacle could cause tax implications on holders of $mmtlp. Today, my Fidelity account changed my entire purchase history to say that I sold all my shares on 12/29/22 (impossible, it was halted) and then that I bought the Fidelity placeholder for the same amount on 12/29/22. So it is acting like I have made a profit by selling (I’ve never sold, so impossible) while at the same time changing my capital gains statuses from almost entirely long-term capital gains with a very small portion of short term to now all of them are listed as short term capital gains with a purchase of 12/29/22 (again, impossible). I’m afraid I will get taxed on these ‘gains’ that I never got and receive a big tax bill as a result.

    1. Because they’re fucking crooks. Corrupt, bitch ass clowns. They will get theirs.

    2. Thank you so much for lending your voice to our cause Frank! You can hear more of our stories at http://www.mmtlpstudios.com which has video testimonials from investors of how this situation has affected them. A member of our community has also created http://www.fairmarketsnow.org which contains a comprehensive timeline of events leading up to the halt as well as a way to email your Congressional representatives with a new letter daily in order to advocate for their aid in our situation.

      1. Sorry for the double post, after the first it didn’t show up so didnt know if there was some error on my end. Happy to delete if I can figure out how…

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