This essential retailer is now closing another location soon after shutting 90 stores in the exact city, sources report.
Walgreens has announced that the Duane Reade location in Midtown Manhattan, New York, will shutter in weeks.
The Times Square store will shut for good in just days, an employee confirmed to the U.S. Sun.
Shoppers found out from a sign posted at the checkout counter with instructions on where to pick up prescriptions.
The 24-hour store will finally close at 3 p.m. on February 20.
Once ubiquitous across the Big Apple, Duane Reade’s number of locations has dropped in recent years, reports The-Sun.
The store shutting down leaves a number of nearby options for local shoppers.
According to the sign, prescription records will be available at all Duane Reade and Walgreens stores.
The sign advised that anyone left with questions should chat with their pharmacist about how the closure could impact operations.
New York has seen dozens of Duane Reade locations close in recent years.
According to local blog Our Town, Walgreens closed at least 90 Duane Reade stores between 2019 and 2022.
Even more have shut since.
A number of Walgreens locations around Boston have also shut their doors, sparking protest from locals.
One Massachusetts Walgreens closure even promised a “seamless transition.”
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Also Read: A Massive Furniture Company Now Lays Off 1,650 Employees
Other Economy News Today
A massive retailer now makes change to 5,000 locations by offering more produce options across the nation, sources report.
Dollar General now offers the top 20 items sold in traditional grocery stores, covering about 80 percent of the produce categories grocers provide, per a company press release.
The company has a variety of fruits and vegetables including tomatoes, onions, apples, strawberries, potatoes, sweet potatoes, lemons, limes, salad mixes, and more, reports The-Sun.
The discount giant claims the move is aimed at offering its communities “access to fresh, affordable, and convenient food options,” said Emily Taylor, executive vice president and chief merchandising officer at Dollar General.
“We have exceeded our goal of having 5,000 total stores with fresh produce by January 2024.
We’re proud to leverage our footprint to meet the need for healthy food options in more communities than any other retailer across the US,” Emily added.
Dollar General also revealed in a statement that the company has partnered with AI company Shelf Engine.
The brand provides retailers with technology to “improve perishable food forecasting and ordering,” the statement said.
Dollar General is leaning on the partnership to help with stocking produce levels, automating the ordering process, and offering customers with freshest food.
The union means that nearly millions of shoppers will see more produce as 80 percent of Dollar General stores serve communities of 20,000 or fewer people.
Since most retailers have some form of rewards program, Dollar General has followed suit.
These digital coupons can be combined with a single manufacturer coupon for the same item in order to maximize your savings.
Manufacturer coupons are issued by a manufacturer and offer free items or a specific discount off the purchase price of one or more of their products.
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Also Read: A Home Improvement Retailer Now Closes All 157 Stores
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