December 6, 2024

AMC Short Interest Surges to New Highs This Year

AMC Entertainment (NYSE:AMC) short interest has surged to a new high this year per financial data firm Ortex.

8 thoughts on “AMC Short Interest Surges to New Highs This Year

  1. Frank, with the cost in the billions to short AMC, why are the amount of short shares on the rise and, who is profiting?

  2. I feel the whole market is unbalanced in power and openly suppresses price to meet their needs. They may actually temporarily up the price to meet their needs. I don’t feel good about all the dark pools, naked shorts and on and on and the Americans that lost their life savings because of this. I feel our entire nation is going to crumble, trust is an issue and ethics are gone … Long gone. If anyone can explain the price dancing of AMC after hours on Monday. It will be too late to wake up to angry mobs and that is what is on the horizon.

  3. Hi Frank,
    I am looking at Ortex atm, and it shows the short score @ 93.
    16,310,959 shares have been returned.


  4. Unbelievable SEC, nor Gary nor AA are doing something about this!! AA being silent and his APE “pounce” intro doesn’t give a good feeling neither… Think people should demonstrate on the streets or something ..

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