More Than 50% of AMC Stock is Now Trading Off Exchange This Month

The latest dark pool and off exchange data shows that more than 50% of AMC stock is currently trading off exchange this month already.

4 thoughts on “More Than 50% of AMC Stock is Now Trading Off Exchange This Month

  1. This bullshit continues Frank and will continue for a very long time. And why not? The SEC and Adam Aron do absolutely fuck all to fight this corruption. A law suit against the SEC and Adam Aron is the only answer.

  2. Frank I’m an Ape, your a little late to the game there big guy. Off exchange has been over 50% for over 2 years, we have the recipes. Media is better late than never to this problem, I guess.

    1. I’ve been reporting this for years, I’m only touching topic on it again this month. I’m one of the first retail websites that came up in 2021 speaking out against Citadel and hedge funds too. I’ve been reporting corruption in the market for years.

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