AMC’s Hycroft Opens New Investigation Against Illegal Trading

Hycroft Mining (NASDAQ:HYMC) announced on Thursday that it has opened a new investigation against illegal trading.

7 thoughts on “AMC’s Hycroft Opens New Investigation Against Illegal Trading

  1. If the find that this is market wide and our markets value is based on What? On going collusion of The Market Makers in what appears to be A Rico Act
    They need to sanction Amaericas Oligarchy, freeze sieze the last 10 yrs of earnings
    To big to fail, free pass to steal

  2. Naked short selling is a nice way of saying rampant illegal corruption that is the scourge of the entire stock market. Thievery, money laundering, grand larceny. Call it what you want but those who participate in it should never be allowed to trade again and should be locked up just as any petty thief that shoplifts should be locked up. In some countries the punishment for thievery is much more severe.

      1. Yes, except the thieves. Imagine how long this has been going on and how much money they made with this scheme since high speed computers started trading on the markets. KG is very proud of his algorithms and ways of manipulating the market. IF YOU BUY SOMETHING THERE MUST BE SOMETHING TO BUY. IOU IS NOT A SHARE.

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