95% of Retail Orders Don’t Go Through Lit Exchange

Official: Gary Gensler states retail orders are not processed through the lit exchange but rather through dark pools.

15 thoughts on “95% of Retail Orders Don’t Go Through Lit Exchange

  1. The US doesn’t have a “Very strong capitalist economy” it has a very strong criminal network of interconnected rigged market fakers and crooks.

  2. Sadly I’m afraid you’re absolutely right. Plus, If Shitadel is, was or will be losing billions like everyone seems to believe they’d be out of business or at least would have had to give up by now. They have these things called ‘customers’ who would not allow their Fund managers to handle their investments like buffoons. Citadel doesn’t just hold AMC. I don’t care how corrupt the system is or the level of criminality. They’d have to be bringing in many billions more in revenue just to break even. So whoever is telling this story is feeding us horse manure and we must love manure because we’re certainly eating this shit up.

  3. If they don’t ban payment for order flow i wil never ever play anything again in the US stock market. Its forbidden in Europe and the markets are so much more transparent over here
    let’s go AMC and GME, release me from this manipulated market!

    Thnx for the great Article Frank, we spoke about this a little while ago! You’re my number one AMC men!! Keep doing this!
    Holland is holding strong!

  4. He is just kicking the can down the road…blah..blah..blah…there is a existing regulation that allows banning of dark pools already on the books…and could implemented tomorrow….just a talking hrad..

  5. It’s insane they have stolen options, calls and puts by sending volume off exchange. How could you ever hit a strike price. This is total BS

  6. All the hedge funds that have been manipulating and stealing for retail buyers need to go to prison not get fine which does not affect them in any way. Margin calls need to be done immediately to address all the manipulation because there is no doubt they do not have enough money in to cover all the manipulation they have done over the last year.

      1. You are exactly right Frank, but are the regulators trustworthy? Who has been bought and paid for in this spiderweb of financial entanglement?

        1. The more the community raises awareness on these issues, the closer we get to real change imo. It all starts with awareness. No big change happens overnight, unfortunately.

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