Was AMC’s MOASS Just Confirmed?

Market News: AMC MOASS confirmed by cryptic tweets?
Market News: AMC MOASS confirmed by cryptic tweets?

Community members have been keeping a close eye on announcements, with many speculating AMC’s MOASS was just confirmed.

MOASS stands for mother of all short squeezes.

This is the big short squeeze retail investors have been patiently waiting for all 2021 and this year.

While the surge to $72 per share might have been significant, only a small percentage of short sellers closed their positions during this time period.

And while the information and dates detailed in this article might seem too coincidental, community members must always take such information with a grain of salt.

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AMC Theatres cryptic tweet

Some of you might be familiar with Adam Aron’s ‘pounce’ tweet where he mentions a pounce will not occur before Q2 earnings call is announced on Thursday, August 4th.

In that tweet, he says to read between the lines.

But that’s not all, because more than week after the CEO’s announcement, AMC Theatres published an interesting tweet about the upcoming Brad Pitt film, Bullet Train.

“Epic fights, a bunch of assassins and #BradPitt all squeezed into a speeding train is the only commute I’ll happily endure. On August 5 take the trip to see #BulletTrainMovie…”

The date mentioned in the tweet is one day after AMC’s Q2 earnings report will be announced.

The ‘ape’ community was quick to read between the lines and call the cryptic message an AMC MOASS confirmation.

Films have been breaking record after record all year long.

With positive Q2 announcements plus another hit title, it’s very possible we see AMC’s share price soar, initiating short sellers to ditch the play and close their positions.

At least that’s what the hopes are for AMC shareholders.

Is a short squeeze guaranteed after the Q2 earnings report?

Absolutely not.

But is the possibility of big price action highly probable?

Given that the company has restructured its debt and has been dominating the industry all year, it seems very likely shareholders will see a rise in share price.

Will Wall Street lose again?

Retail investors humiliated Wall Street last year when both novice and experienced investors managed to beat financial institutions at their own game.

Hedge funds such as Citadel lost billions betting against retail.

Popular trading platform Robinhood nearly destroyed its reputation when it restricted retail from purchasing ‘meme stocks’ last year.

On the other hand, we have Gabe Plotkin’s Melvin Capital, who shut down this year after failing to recover from damages after shorting GameStop.

Analysts predicted the demise of AMC, giving it a $1 and $0.01 price target, only to get ridiculed by millions of investors after the company’s share price surged to $72 per share.

Today, AMC’s share price continues to beat every analyst’s price prediction.

What will happen if Wall Street is forced to eat crow again, as Adam Aron puts it?

Retail investors have evolved, and Wall Street is taking notice.

They are not happy about it.

For over a year now corporate media has attacked retail investors in the AMC and GME community, catering to unprofessionalism and giving big networks a bad name.

Desperate attempts to mislead shareholders into selling both company’s stocks has also been an ongoing failure for Wall Street.

Retail’s message is loud and clear, they’re not going anywhere.

FOX: “Only 6% of retail have sold stocks”

Fox Retail investors holding and buying
FOX: Retail investors buying and holding, per ETORO survey

According to a survey conducted by ETORO, only a very small percentage of retail investors have sold stocks during today’s bear market.

FOX published the results.

65% of retail investors are currently holding their positions, 29% continue to buy stocks despite the market conditions, and only 6% of retail have sold stocks.

The large market selloffs we’re seeing today are primarily caused by hedge funds, according to Bank of America.

Retail investors aren’t budging, no matter how bad Jim Cramer wants retail investors to exit the stock market.

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– Frank Nez


  1. Greg

    Frank are you not a little worried about the spread of the new omicron sub-variant BA.5 and the potential impact it could have? It is on the rise and should movie theatres close again it would be disastrous for AMC.
    Thanks for all your hard work.

    • Frank Nez

      Indeed, it would be a big disaster. I just don’t think the people would allow another lockdown to occur. I also think more businesses would fight any possible lockdowns.

  2. Fireball Rw

    We should start to see some movement Upward towards the end of next week.
    Lets all hope Adam Aron read through the lines is on the money. Like he says , He
    has always kept his word . Personally I see no reason for him to mislead us on his
    Q2 earning report coming out. Guessing its STRONG , Like APE STRONG

    • Frank Nez

      I agree! Should be an interesting first week in August…🤔

  3. Frank Nez

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