Chicago Tribune Says Citadel Securities’ Dark Pool Targets Small Investors

9 thoughts on “Chicago Tribune Says Citadel Securities’ Dark Pool Targets Small Investors

  1. Call me crazy…. But 6 almost 7 years ago, I wrote a small piece on how it seems that our government thinks that a revolution is below us as modern-day American’s. But here we are today with all the right ingredients. It has always been in the back of our minds somewhere that the stock market, was rigged.

    And now everything that we ever thought was true and then some. It’s just my opinion, if the government doesn’t right this ship, and very soon something very bad is going to happen to our Nation. That’s if it’s not already too late.

    You would be hard pressed to find a rich person that didn’t get that way by lying, cheating and stealing. And they are the minority. Certain Financial Institutions, such as Hedge funds, have stripped all of the liquidity out of the OTC.

    The same Institution’s that have broadened the gap between the rich and poor, destroying our great Nation. While our government stands idly by totally complicit about the whole thing, all the while enriching themselves.

  2. The story below addresses the corruption angle of WS trading. Yahoo Finance (BA) has deleted my comment/story 3 times, but it is online, so difficult to hide.

    “Brokers Get Unfair Profits From Lending Stock, Pension Funds Say”
    By Bill Alpert (per
    Updated July 7, 2022 8:28 am ET / Original July 7, 2022 2:00 am ET
    “Five of Wall Street’s biggest brokers are a step closer to defending class-action claims that they conspired to wring unfair profits from the nearly $2 trillion dollar market for stock loans.
    A successful class-action case could crimp profits at the prime brokerage units of defendants Goldman Sachs GS +0.41% (ticker: GS), Morgan Stanley (MS), UBS (UBS), the J.P. Morgan JPM +2.13% unit of JPMorgan Chase (JPM), and the Merrill Lynch unit of Bank of America (BAC).”

  3. If one wants clean trade execution, then use a broker. services that offer “free” trades are always the most expensive. Anyone who knows anything about finance understands this. No one is forced to use garbage services such as Robin Hood. No one should, but there are those who obviously want to. Let them waste their money. We do not stop people from getting ripped off on other types of “deals,” so why intervene here?

  4. The Tribune just published a piece? The editorial was published in February 2022.

  5. Is is it a crime if they’re not held accountable? My faith in the US government and the US stock exchange has been greatly reduced by what I’ve seen through the Manipulation of AMC and GameStop

    1. Frank … what proof do you have that Ken Griffin lied under oath that Citadel and Robinhood had no communication the day prior to the restrictions???

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