Mullen Automotive Receives Exclusive Federal Contract

10 thoughts on “Mullen Automotive Receives Exclusive Federal Contract

  1. Is it a government contract ? Or is it just that they are just able to be considered for one ?

    1. The actual contract belongs to RRDS, a mostly DOD government contractor. All RRDS did was notify the GSA that they had included Mullen as a potential supplier in the Class 1 vehicle type category (light vehicles). Since their are no other Class 1 EV van providers out there, some in the media including youtubers and bloggers have been spinning the news as if the government specifically went out and awarded a contract to Mullen for its Class 1 EV vehicles, some going as far as saying the entire $2.7 billion RRDS contract is for Mullen’s EV vans. There are no volume or dollar figures attached to any of the press release going around because it was not award, simply an inclusion on a government contractor’s supplier list.

      1. correct. Supposedly Mullen is the only able to offer class 1 level EV full electric but the contract as a whole is presented to multiple companies. Also correct, there is no set in stone monetary volume promised to any specific company as of yet.

        1. With these gov’t contracts, it is bidding process. So Mullen gets to bid on any GSA requests for Class 1 vehicles. Mullen will be offered the opportunity to bid alongside Ford, GM, and any other manufacturers that produce Class 1 vehicles. One thing to note is that the contract does not explicitly set a fix requirement for EV’s. EV’s can be offered as an alternative whether they be SUV’s, trucks, sedans, or vans. Mullen being the only supplier that can offer a Class 1 EV van may have a slight advantage over other manufactures. But the GSA may simply pass on Mullen if their vans are not deliverable or not a fit for their intended purpose. You also have to think that many government installations do not have the necessary charging infrastructure in place yet to support an EV fleet. And don’t forget, the gov’t will not pay retail price for these vehicles and they can’t be imported from China which how Mullen up until recently had been acquiring its vans.

  2. Big deal.
    They got a govt contract but you say nothing about volume, value, timing.
    That’s reporting?

  3. They have had a lot of good news in the last 9 mos, The question is why is this stock so depressed , I hate to see them do a reverse split , as we all know reverse splits are the death of a stock , Just look at Cosm , Wiza , better yet show me a reverse split that did well. Are we all voting NO for AMC, I hope so.

    1. They have had a lot of great news – wonder if all this suppression will at some point create big moving days. I don’t think anyone wants a RS..

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