9 thoughts on “Market News: NSCC-2022-003 Approved

  1. Frank after pondering this and watching your video and explaining this rule it is just as I thought!! We bailed them out for 30 years and we will bail them out again with our new tax dollars shortly .Its time to get people in charge to put SEC and NSCC on investagation make some perminate rules for a fair market and no short selling and no crooks doing what they are doing now I have my life invested in AMC and so do lots of other retails and tase piece of SHITadel are trading fake shares and getting bailed out give me a FFFGGGG brake.

  2. This seems like it might/could produce a (ie. Tesla type) squeeze where it takes a year or so to play out…. But at a larger magnitude. I think the key factor is if they they still have to cover the backdated stuff from a year, and a year 1/2 ago. Some data cannot be accounted for. That is still on the table. So, if we hold, it can still happen, just will take its time.

  3. Spelling Correction to my post:
    This in essence prevents the MOASS on AMC from happening.Not great for the long time holders of AMC like myself who is underwater and at a present loss.

  4. Frank , thanks for writing about this rule,being that
    the SEC came out with it ,like I indicated when I saw the ruling on 05/31/22 , It would limit or prevent the rest of the market from tanking when the hedge funds started defaulting because it would let them use the NSCC as a go between for loans from other members. If they defaulted the other party would not have to worry they won’t get there money and the NSCC would be able to sell off the loaned securities in a controlled manner to keep the stock from crashing. If it was just a loan between the shorter and the loaner the shorter would dump everything at once and #$%$ the market. This in essence progeny’s the MOASS oh AMC . I don’t like the ruling , not great for us Long molders of AMC , give the shorters ,hedge funds coverage .

  5. I don’t think that will be in Retail favor, this smell like a back door for SHF’s and to screw Retail with NO MOASS…

    1. It seems like the ruling could be a way to release some pressure little by little (squeeze) in order to refrain from the market from completely collapsing.

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