6 thoughts on “Here’s How Shareholders Can Trigger an AMC Short Squeeze

  1. I don’t believe a very large group of like-minded people getting together to buy a stock will be prosecutable nor provable as market manipulation. But, if folks want to let short sellers manipulate the market, which they have done for years, go for it. But if they aren’t being charged, why would we be? If you’re going to make a cake, you have to break some eggs.

  2. 🦍’s , DON’T Join forces and buy all the AMC stock you can afford on JULY 1st! because it is a type of market manipulation, and GOD KNOWS HEDGIES WOULD NEVER COLLUDE AGAINST RETAIL TO MANIPULATE A STOCK PRICE, ITS ILLEGAL!!! Do not buy on July 1, as it might cause the volume to explode and cause a squeeze, which would be ethically wrong! JULY 1st Do Not Buy… if you want to protect the beloved Hedgies against market corruption!

  3. So it will useful to agree an X day between the Apes, where everybody at the same hour of that day, will buy a certain number of stock (following each person possibility) and we will see what happen

  4. Exactly what you said the momentum was ILLEGALLY HALTED and it will be every time there’s volume and we will never have a MOASS…!
    You say was halted like it’s nothing but that mean EVERYTHING, they will INDEFINITELY Halt any Volume Momentum in my humble opinion.

    1. I agree with Bob. I also agree the volume would trigger a squeeze, but it will be halted. The volume purchased would need to be tremendous to initiate the squeeze. I do not know how “we” could encourage everyone to buy on the same day without being accused of market manipulation.

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