Elon Musk: Hedge Funds Tank Stocks Using “Short & Distort”

7 thoughts on “Elon Musk: Hedge Funds Tank Stocks Using “Short & Distort”

  1. Gracias Franco, con tus artículos me es muy fácil ver lo que está pasando, seguimos en la lucha 💎🤲🏼🦍💪🏻

  2. Regrettably, those responsible for these type of scrupulous activity won’t be found guilty of anything. It’s immoral to find those with money guilty of criminal activity. Regrettably, it’s better to allow this criminal activity to harm those that work hard for a living. Veterans, teachers, students, etc.; those whose labor won’t allow them privileges afforded these white collar CROOKS!

  3. If the (SEC) Security and Exchange Commission, is ever going to regain the trust of the American people, many within that organization is going to have to go to jail and with lengthy prison sentences. Perhaps the last 2 that held Gary Gensler’s, position for starters.

    I hope the American people can see through what is going on in Russia and Ukraine, and realize it has nothing to do with what is going on in America today. Due to the SEC, remaining complicit for all these years trillions of dollars stolen, numerous business went under not to mention all of the collateral damage and lives ruined.

    Sadly to say, I believe it is far to late to do anything to fix our financial system and things are only going to get worse from here on out. One of the best things that could happen for the American people, and that is what this is all about. Is to force the closing of all these illegal (NSS) Naked Short Selling, positions and give the people their money back.

    This is one of the main reason, why the gap between the rich and poor only grew. Many should go to prison here, and I mean prison not jail, for a long time if the American people are to regain their trust in our Stock Market system.

    1. Give them all the financial guillotine or maybe its too late and the whole Kleptocracy will fall upon itself ..Also remember the faces of all the Kens and finks out there they need a visit from Karma as they so much blood and evil on their hands

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