Americans Are Now Moving To These Two Surprising States

Americans are now moving to these two surprising states according to the latest data conducted in 2024 for 2023.

For the sixth time in eight years, Texas continues to remain the number one growth state, reports CNBC.

DIY movers accounted for a whopping 50.4% of all one-way U-Haul traffic arriving in Texas.

People all over the country are making big moves, whether it’s to a major city for a new job or simply to wherever they can get more bank for their buck, reports the outlet.

U-Haul recently released its Growth Index, which highlights the U.S. states that saw the largest number of movers in one-Way U-Haul equipment in 2023.

The report found that for the fourth year in a row, California had the largest net loss of one-way movers.

In recent years, California has seen a mass migration out the state – a phenomenon that people have referred to as the “California Exodus.”

Between April 2020 and July 2022, The Los Angeles Times reported the number of people moving out of California was more than a whopping 700,000.

One factor experts conclude for the departures is due to the continuous rising cost of living in the state, especially in major cities like San Jose.

Texas has become a growing base for different industries including tech and aerospace.

As of 2022, Texas leads the nation as home to the most Fortune 500 companies.

Texas is also considered a tax-friendly state because it does not collect any income taxes, reports Smart Asset.

Instead, the state does have significant property and sales taxes.

Below are the top 10 states Americans moved to in 2023:

  1. Texas
  2. Florida
  3. North Carolina
  4. South Carolina
  5. Tennessee
  6. Idaho
  7. Washington
  8. Arizona
  9. Colorado
  10. Virginia

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Other Economy News Today

Market News Today - Americans Are Now Moving To These Two Surprising States.
Market News Today – Americans Are Now Moving To These Two Surprising States.

California continues to have massive resident departures per a new report conducted in 2024 by the PPIC.

“California continues to lose residents to other states, as high housing costs and the flexibility of remote work have made other locations more attractive,” stated Public Policy Institute of California.

The main beneficiaries have been neighboring states, though high income earners have also shown a modest preference for states without an income tax, according to the report.

But as the pandemic has receded and more workers have been asked to report to the office in person, these patterns have begun to slow or even reverse.

During the worst of the pandemic, neighboring states—Arizona, Idaho, Nevada, and Oregon—saw the highest rates of former California residents move in. (Net migration to Texas was also heavy, though not disproportionate to the state’s size.)

The pattern is similar for 2022: Arizona, Idaho, and Nevada still received disproportionate net migration from California, according to recently released census data. (Most other states have flows too small to distinguish from zero.)

A total of 343,000 people left California and moved to another state in 2022, the highest number of any state in the country, reported the US Census Bureau.

Of those leaving California, 102,000 moved to Texas74,000 to Arizona50,000 to Florida, and 48,000 to Nevada.

One notable reversal: California now has a net gain from Hawaii, which was a popular destination for remote workers during the pandemic but is now losing people to the Golden State.

California Resident Departures.
California Resident Departures.

Overall, the destination states for former Californians are broadly unchanged, though states that gained the most at the outflow’s peak have seen the largest reversions now that the worst of the pandemic is behind us.

All the same, a reversion to even the pre-pandemic status quo still means lots of migration to states like Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, and Texas.

And with the continuing flexibility of remote work and persistently high housing costs, high outmigration will likely be a part of California’s reality for the foreseeable future–with potentially far-reaching consequences for the state’s economic, social, and political makeup, reports PPIC.

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Also Read: Florida Now Has Massive Departures As Hundreds of Thousands Leave

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Market News Today - Americans Are Now Moving To These Two Surprising States.
Market News Today – Americans Are Now Moving To These Two Surprising States.

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