Texas Now Has Massive Departures As Residents Leave State

Texas now has massive departures as residents leave the state according to fresh data from a Business Insider report.

10 thoughts on “Texas Now Has Massive Departures As Residents Leave State

  1. Sorry, but not buying this tripe. Abbott’s not perfect, but he is a huge bit better than the clowns running blue states into the ground. Our Great State continues to do well, and the recent constitutional amendments voted in DID reduce property taxes for people claiming homestead exemptions. As it always has been : Dall-ass, Austin, San Antonio and Houston continue their rapid trek into communism so they remain lost causes. The rest of Texas is doing FINE Thank You.

  2. Texas ranks 50th for personal freedoms, heh. I clicked on the link and painstakingly worked my way through the CATO Institute’s assessment that led them to the low ranking. Their definition of what qualifies as freedom criteria is different than what the majority of how Texans would define freedom.

  3. Be honest. No body likes Governor Abbott. He has done cruel things to people–he went to a party right after children lost thier lives at a school where his safety ideology was outdated and tired, letting scaredy cats handle the problem using Parents handcuffed for trying to get thier babies out of school because the police were inside and outside cowering . Then Abbott and Ted Cruz go to a fundraiser a stone’s throw away seemingly without empathy for the children or parents because they were Hispanic and not white. .
    Using the courts over and over pushing unpopular bills..now trying to fund private schools with public money, so they can appease white parents. Rents and mortgage pmts over the roof on Steroids for greedy contractors , despite a two year old vote of approval by citizens on lowering taxes SLOW AS HECK. Voting and revoting over the same stuff. Then allowing people to be gouged by an”Delivery fee” on all light bills and cheated on sales of Solar panels –duping the ordinary working folk and lying to elderly saying they get an incentive from government..but it’s a lie, if you get a refund you get NO relief. Leaving them in debt and no recourse, in their old years. NO caring for anyone who is not white with money, and the poor ones in the country keep thinking he’s good, until they see this is a right to fire state, for no reason, you can be fired. Creating no job stability. Low paying and high denial of unemployment, awful. THAT’S JUST THE BEGINNING OF WHY FOLK ARE LEAVING. YOU CANNOT LIVE STRESS FREE IN THIS STATE between rent and utilities.

  4. This is propaganda bullshit, anyone that doesn’t want to live in Texas should be on their merry way, don’t let the door hit you in the ass! The whole nation is in the same shape as described because we have Joe Biden for president… Case closed!

  5. Maybe because governer Abbott has lost his mind. He has a lot of people pissed about the abortion laws which is totally wrong. Women have been told for certain centuries what they can not do mostly by Men, because they MEN, thought they were superior and they were the only ones that had brains. We are tired of being told what we can do with our own bodies. Now, other women are doing it. Leave our bodies out of government. None of other people’s business. It’s our own business and it’s personal. Stay out.

  6. Well written and all facts! The prices for homes and rent have skyrocketed and are forcing Texans to go elsewhere. They aren’t too bad compared to some other places, but they have gone up dramatically and quickly. In addition to the actual prices, the property taxes are the 7th highest in the nation. In conjunction with the higher prices, that’s making people reconsider buying a home. Unfortunately, rent is a lot higher as well. If that isn’t enough, the state wages war on the LBGTQ community, women’s rights, and bans books. Religion and affairs of state are supposed to be separate but not here in Texas. I’m all in favor of Border Security but there has to be a humane way to do it that doesn’t involve drowning people with giant floating balls in a river. Politically, the state is a mess. I’m a Republican but I’m smart enough to vote against my party candidate if he/she is bad news. Not most Texans. Abbott being in office yet again is proof of that. Heck, a resurrected A**lf H*t**r could run for POTUS of Governor and claim to be Republican and get elected just because he is running as a member of that party. I’ve never seen such mass ignorance. This is a completely different state than it used to be. If not for my daughter and grandkid keeping me here, I would leave.

  7. Maybe they’re leaving because all the major cities in Texas are deep blue, property taxes are out of control, we are being invaded by illegal aliens, Governor A-Butt closed down the State during the scamdemic?

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