Mullen Class 1 EVs Have Been Spotted at RMA Group

Mullen Class 1 EVs have now been spotted at a Randy Marion Automotive (RMA) group public parking lot. Investors wait for an announcement.

8 thoughts on “Mullen Class 1 EVs Have Been Spotted at RMA Group

  1. I called RMA this morning and they said they dont have them in the lot at all so maybe I called wrong dealership but the guy said late May at the earliest

  2. This company is positioned for so many great achievements.

    once the nation and investors can see what is happening here there will be massive
    investment increases energizing the price of the stock

    It is just a matter of time when a large loan in the hundred of millions or a buyout by a large company takes place or an event where millions of smaller investors get involved
    when immediately and overnight a huge uptick in stock price will occur

    Short Sellers will wake up with a shock of a snowball effect that they will not be unable to escape

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