Citadel Fights The SEC On New D-Limit Order Against Arbitrage

Citadel vs SEC Court Hearing October 25th October 26th October 27th
Citadel Securities LLC v. SEC October 25th | Citadel Securities sues SEC

BREAKING: Citadel is suing the SEC over the new D-Limit order that would protect displayed lit orders from being picked off by latency arbitrage players.

“The SEC failed to properly consider the costs and burdens imposed by this proposal that will undermine the reliability of our markets and harm tens of millions of retail investors,” a Citadel Securities spokeswoman said in an email on Friday, via Reuters.

Now, this has been an ongoing battle since last year. However, new documents show this fight has risen in court again.

In fact, the new court date is set for October 25th of this month. This is big.

Welcome to – today I’m going to be breaking down the D-Limit order and the Citadel Securities LLC vs SEC court hearing.

Let’s get started!

Community, the news that has come up today has been an ongoing fight since before GameStop began moving up between the months of October-January.

I’m going to break down the entire investigation leading up to today’s recent news and court date.

What Is The D-Limit Order?


The D-Limit order is designed to protect liquidity providers from potential “adverse selection” by latency arbitrage trading strategies.

This rule basically gives traders a way to buy or sell stock at the exchange while protecting them against unfavorable price moves, via Reuters.

“The D-Limit Order is an artificial intelligence order type that protects displayed lit orders from  being picked off by latency arbitrage players.”

“It aims to benefit displayed equity market quotes with better prices, larger displayed sizes and more competition among liquidity providers.” via, JLN.  

This order is a massive threat to Citadel as it takes away predatory trading through the practices of market arbitrage.

What Is Market Arbitrage?

Market arbitrage is the act of buying a security in one market and simultaneously selling it in another market for a higher price.

Traders frequently attempt to exploit the arbitrage opportunity by buying a stock on a foreign exchange where the share price hasn’t yet been adjusted for the fluctuating exchange rate, via Investopedia.

This type of trading takes advantage of everyone involved, including retail investors.

Citadel personnel argue that the D-Limit rule is detrimental to millions of retail investors and undermine the reliability of the markets.

How could you even argue the point, that’s insane!

Market arbitrage is a form of predatory trading.

The D-Limit order fights against latency arbitrage from high frequency traders such as Citadel Securities.

This D-Limit order would provide the markets with more accurate prices and prevent HFT firms from using arbitrage strategies to plummet or extensively short stocks.

In short, Citadel Securities has been fighting the SEC to continue using manipulative strategies against retail investors.

Apes in the community will have to back up the SEC to create this massive change in our markets.

Citadel Securities VS SEC October 25th, 2021

This battle between Citadel Securities and the SEC has been occurring for quite some time now.

However, Citadel and the SEC now have a new court hearing on October 25th, 2021. The fight for a fair market continues.

Citadel securities vs sec court - Citadel sues SEC
Source –> Link

The lawsuit fights against the use of the D-Limit order through the IEX exchange that would provide the markets with a solution against arbitrage trading via AI technology.

Argument: Citadel Enjoys Unfair Advantages Over Other Participants

Citadel Securities has been facing major scrutiny all over social media and is now being recognized for it’s multiple scandals in the public’s eye.

In a series of documents detailing the court hearing, the SEC explains how Citadel has profited billions from high frequency trading.

Citadel enjoys unfair advantages over other market participants
Source: page 13

This D-Limit order won’t just target Citadel Securities, it’s going after a handful of other high frequency trading firms.

Eliminating these manipulative strategies would be extremely bullish for retail investors.

For example, the markets wouldn’t be as volatile.

High frequency trading has been the cause for several market meltdowns so eliminating this practice would provide retail investors with a fair playground.

Citadel, as a market maker processes more than 40% retail investor trades in the market. 100% come from Robinhood.

This means Citadel has been making money from every trade that’s been processed merely from high frequency trading.

You essentially have this monster of a company making money off of every opportunity they can get a hold of, even if it means cheating retail investors.

Opposing this order is not protecting retail investors! Citadel is suing the SEC to continue this market manipulation and we cannot let this happen.

The Citadel Securities vs SEC lawsuit will take place on Monday, October 25th.

How Will The D-Limit Order Affect Meme Stocks?

Meme stocks

The D-Limit order will allow momentum stocks such as AMC and GameStop to run more naturally by eliminating some of the manipulation that suppresses the stocks from performing better.

The thing about arbitrage trading is that because these hedge funds are able to find foreign exchanges where the price hasn’t yet been adjusted, they can buy ‘current’ priced stocks and sell short in other exchanges.

The D-Limit order is meant to eliminate these strategies.

This market arbitrage could very well explain how hedge funds and HFT firms have been able to short momentum stocks despite the massive buying pressure from retail investors.

Massive kudos to the SEC for fighting against Citadel. There’s a lot going on in the background that we usually aren’t aware of.

I feel that as a community we must give strength to our regulators to make a difference in the markets.

This is a democracy and we want a fair market after all.

Will The D-Limit Order Be Upheld?

The D-Limit order would create a massive change in the markets in general, not just for the ape community.

This order must be upheld. There is absolutely no justification as to why it wouldn’t be.

It is up to our community as engaged and active investors to make this information known. And it is up to us to fully support it’s nature to create real change in the markets.

Our community doesn’t have the full trust from the SEC, yet.

But we must support those in power who can fight against the market manipulation head on.

An AMC and GME short squeeze depend on it. Hedge funds will not go down without a fight so a fight it is.

A fight for a fair market, a fight for the community, and a fight for your financial freedom.

MOASS is inevitable, but it will be up to us to ensure it’s fruition.

Final Words…

I want to thank you apes for sharing the content, for being involved in the Discord community, and for being amazing community members across every social media platform.

The world needs people like you.

Also, be sure to check out the YouTube video of me briefly discussing this topic and don’t forget to subscribe.

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Read: Why Is Citadel Frightened of The IEX Exchange?


  1. Rob Staite

    I don’t beleive this will stop where they direct the orders i.e DP unfortunately

  2. Mike

    Hi Frank,

    I hope all your readers are signing the petition, “BAN payment for order flow and suspend dark pool activity for harshly affected securities.” As of right now, there are close to 46,000 signatures:


  3. Joseph

    Will this prevent them from selling AMC on the dark pool? And if so, I wonder when we will begin to see the price of AMC go up.

  4. Joseph

    Does this remove their power to trade on the dark pools? And if so, I wonder when we will begin to see price of AMC go up.

  5. Carl

    Thanks for all work you put into this…..I’m sure there are plenty of people like me out there that are new to investing and your articles are educational and reassuring that I made the right choice.

  6. Joey

    I would make darn sure the judge overseeing this particular case has no financial ties to Citadel. That includes their spouses, families and cronies associated with that judge. Also, the high frequency trading-is that what the book “Flash Boys” about?

    • Frank Nez

      💯💯💯 – and yes it is!

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