SR 21-19: The Fed Is About to Impose Massive Margin Calls

9 thoughts on “SR 21-19: The Fed Is About to Impose Massive Margin Calls

  1. Although we can hope for it, there are no guarantees that the SEC will actually force a margin call. I believe in the DD for the MOASS, I also believe that things are being propped up due to manipulation as there has been talk from contrarians that we are well overdue for a market crash (but I think those people don’t think those contrarians put much faith in AMC as a safe haven); with so much outstanding debt and the junk bonds in China (reports say that Oaktree’s attempt to take control of a certain part of Evergrande of China has failed), it would seem that these hedge funds and brokers and institutions such as Blackrock and Vanguard would be hurting and would need to liquidate. But there are fighting to maintain things as they are, and thus, they do not care about the well being of regular people; the rich have demonstrated time and again that they are only concerned about themselves. I believe it will come to an end for them and that we will see a change for the better and that those who wish to do good with their new wealth will be able to do so, but when God only knows. I just hope that if he does give this to those who will share will do it soon.

  2. Thank you for raising awareness about this ongoing hedgie manipulations! I wish more popular youtubers do the same instead of analyzing stats all day. Ape movement is more than just buying and holding – it’s about fighting against the market corruption, exposing their shady practices and demanding justice not only for us the Apes but for the entire market and retail investors. And us 4 millions apes can make big waves! Counting on you DOJ, please don’t let us down.

  3. Can’t believe we only hear of a response once Shitadel places a fee on the 1% to withdraw their investments…

  4. Retail investors are fed up!We demand fair market conditions to be implemented…..NOW……CORRUPTION NO MORE!PRISON TIME AND ARRESTS UNFORTUNATELY FOR MANY THIEVES IS NEEDED!

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