AMC Sues Nearly 20 Companies in New Lawsuit

AMC Entertainment (NYSE:AMC) is suing nearly 20 insurance companies in a new lawsuit after lawyers ask for $20 million in legal fees.

10 thoughts on “AMC Sues Nearly 20 Companies in New Lawsuit

  1. yet another “clerical error” like the “buy button” in an industry where errors should be inexcusable and the perps should pay dearly!

    as long as it damages the average investor or company, it seems to be OK SOP. I wonder who put them up to “this error”?

  2. This lawsuit sidelines every shareholder and will cause our stock to lose value so they can just skim the fat. It’s no different than shorts and I do believe they are directly involved in our stock going down. Why should a handful of people split up 20 million. That’s undermines the entire company and put everyone else in jeopardy

  3. Guess you haven’t seen where shareholder vote weren’t counted and mirrored or where citadel conspired with an adam to create ape and called it project popcorn supposedly

  4. Would it not be proper to sue the Delaware court system, pension fund and 2 individuals for not including everyone. We need to do this, let’s pile paperwork onto these grifters.

  5. The find suing and the 2 individual investors are not than likely working for hedge funds and we should sure them back for kicking the can around on the conversion… the stock market is rigged and pathetic

    1. Shorts have forever been unknowingly sidelining shareholders. The ape conversion to regular shares seems like small potatoes. Not sure why just Delaware and why just 2 shareholders and a pension fund get settlement. Personally only winners is crooked wall street and crooked courts and this crooked pathetic greed. Throw that lawsuit in garbage for not including every shareholder. I never heard about it and I want my 2 cents.

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