7 thoughts on “AMC Q2 Earnings Highlights (2022)

  1. Ape is apecoin i see at currently 7.57 a share or does it mean something different?

    1. My Understanding is you get one share for every share you have of AMC if you bought cash NOT margin before August 19th its value coming out is ONE penny for each share . Hey it is free and it will be traded on the New York stock exchange which means to me the stock could go up in value. I don’t know where you heard or came up with. $7.50 a share. I wish , it would drive the shorts CRAZY

      1. Frank thanks for your articles and for always keeping us updated, what I understand from what you reported, that all of us who have AMC shares, will be given a share with the symbol $APE, for example I have 100 shares, they give 100 AMC APE and these actions are independent, my question, do you know what the price of these actions will be? Will they be reflected in my Robinhooh stock automatically?

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