Community, today I want to remind you why you’re winning. We’ve been holding AMC stock for many months now. Us seasoned apes have seen some gains at this point. New retail investors buying the stock, don’t get overwhelmed if you’re not there yet because your time is closer than you think.
If you’re feeling uncertain at some point just come back to this article. Here are 5 advantages us retail investors holding AMC stock have over hedge funds.

Welcome to Franknez.com – I just want to say, I’m about to reach 2 million of you and I want to thank you for being a loyal reader. I’d love to know how long you’ve been reading the blog for. Comment below at the end of the article.
Lets get started!
#1. Holding AMC Stock Costs Us Nothing
You hear it over and over and over again community. Hodling doesn’t cost us a thing. Hedge funds on the other hand are paying a fee to continuously short AMC stock.
Hedge funds have lost billions from apes simply not cashing in profits yet. They can’t keep playing this game forever, our community is a big threat to their customers and business as a whole.
Whether you have gains or not on paper, know that you holding a position in AMC is costing the bad guys money. Remember, patience is a virtue. We can hold at ease while they hold in stress.
#2. Apes Own More Than 80% of AMC’s Float
The combined percentage of whales and apes that own AMC’s float is 80% according to Adam Aron, CEO and President of AMC Entertainment.
Ladies and gentlemen, we literally own the company. Just to put things into perspective, Tesla has about 33% retail investors while Apple has approximately 40%.
Whales, or institutions, will be selling on the way up. We’ve seen this happen before. I bring this up because it means that at some point we will own more of the company. This is significant because it allows us to be in control of when we want to sell stock and what price we’d like to sell the stock at.
What you hold is more valuable than you know. By the time hedge funds and short sellers have to cover their position, it’s going to be very expensive for them. We hold the supply, their request for the stock back is the demand. When demand increases the price also increases.
#3. We’re Investing Our Money, Not Other People’s Money
This is big psychologically speaking. As retail investors we have more sentimental value attached to the dollar that’s being invested. We will hold because we simply have no other option.
Our families depend on it and there’s absolutely no way we will ever cut our losses or cash in anything other than life changing profits. We’ve locked ourselves in on this game and have put away the key until the time is right.
Hedge funds on the other hand are burning their clients money. It’s not theirs so they don’t care. They’ve borrowed money from every crevice that will lend it to them but continue to severely take losses. If hedge funds were playing with their money, they would have closed their positions months ago.
And although leveraging other peoples money has played in their favor short term, the gash it’s going to leave long term is monumental.
#4. The AMC community is getting loud
Our community is being heard now by the media. We now have Melissa Lee from CNBC and Charles Payne from FOX Business questioning the SEC regarding the illicit activity of naked shorting.
When a community is loud enough change begins to slowly happen. We are more powerful than you think. Unification of the people is one thing governments fear the most. At some point the people who denied the manipulation in the market, like Charles Payne did many years back, will be joining us.
This revolution will be one of those things where it simply can’t be swept under the rug anymore. These are different times.
There’s been headlines about the SEC allegedly fining hedge funds for naked shorting. Not much information has been released regarding this. However, if the SEC doesn’t do their job then the AMC community will also be exposing them.
Leadership In The Community
Apes in the community are also using platforms as a means to help fight FUD and the manipulation. We fight the lies with the truth and educate the AMC community every way we can. Unlike hedge funds, who have superiors, we have multiple apes in our community doing the right thing.
Everyone is a leader.
#5. We’ve Saved The Entire Movie Industry
Have you ever stepped back and thought about this? If you hold AMC stock you literally helped save the entire movie industry along with the oldest movie theater business in history.
Our community did that, you did that. That is how powerful we are united. The fact of the matter is that there’s a future, a blimp in time where shorts get squeezed out of their positions. If the community can save an entire movie industry from going bankrupt, then the community can certainly squeeze the culprits who’s goal was to drive AMC Entertainment into extinction, out of their positions.
These short sellers have a backwards way of thinking. We should be supporting our businesses worldwide, not betting on them to shut down. Their way is not the way and for that reason they will continue to suffer extreme losses.
They said this is what we’re doing and we said no, this is what’s going to happen. It’s time for change. The biggest transfer of wealth is about to take place and it’s going to be marked in history.
And lastly . . .
Remember your why. Write down your goals and affirmations. Practice visualization because your mind and thoughts are that powerful. You become what you think about the most.
Red days, green days it’s all part of the process. Red days are needed just as much as the green days are. Any red days we experience become buying opportunities and help us stair step the way up.
Short sellers will continue to borrow shares to drive the price down. This is only going to make this squeeze that much BIGGER. The only reason hedge funds continue to short the stock is because they’ve run out of options. They’re desperate and it’s all they can do. Their defeat is already written.

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Read: 6 things retail investors holding AMC stock should know
I’ve already written down price goals and what i can do with the money! Plan to make a much better life for myself and many other people who deserve it.