Who is The DTCC and What Are Their Legal Duties?

8 thoughts on “Who is The DTCC and What Are Their Legal Duties?

  1. S.E.C. needs to investigate! And force them to close their position and pay everything owed for naked shorts, redrocks2020That is there job! What DTCC and Hedge funds are doing is criminal and they need to be held accountable. Including prison sentences!

  2. When banks stopped paying decent interest on money in savings accounts and employers stopped their pensions. We were coerced into putting our money into 401k’s. With this, all of the folks handling this massive amounts of money in the markets they are manipulating and stealing our potential to profit!
    It’s B.S.

    I’m not happy about the stagnant growth we have all had.


  3. Per articles, the Federal Reserve created/owns the DTCC to in effect hide trades from public scrutiny and lawsuits. It seems the Federal Reserve is a big player in organized crime (aka stock market manipulation – unlimited naked shorting…). Why is the Fed (a privately owned bank) still able to exempt themselves from federal and state income taxes (and don’t even have to declare how much income they earn)? It has been estimated the Fed takes in as much as a trillion dollars tax exempt each year.
    Are the salaries paid to Fed employees exempt from taxes, also (such as J. Powell)?

    There needs to honest media for accountability. Some economic questions need to be asked of every Senate and House candidate before elections, such as:

    1. Will you mandate implementation of Consolidated Audit Trail (CAT) by an independent agency (SEC has proven corrupt and failed to implement for over 12 years since May 2010 declared intent to do so). CAT should catch naked shorts tied to options trades by reviewing historical trading data – and lead to prosecutions to stop it.

    2. Will you outlaw shorting stocks, which is illegal in other venues such as selling real estate that you don’t own? It can be used to manipulate any stock down with no accountability – see Gamestop and still no jail time for numerous outfits shorting it (overall over 140% of stock shorted at 1 point in Jan 2021).

    3. Will you return control of money and monetary policy to the Treasury and stop allowing private banks (Fed) to manipulate policy to loot retail investors? The repeated fear and greed cycles of interest rate manipulation tied to media “hit pieces” on stocks and economy has been very profitable to them.

    1. I am not a US citizen and I wonder if you guys have a government. How come this is going on and no one is ending this blatant corruption?

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