The Latest AMC Stock News For The Ape Community

19 thoughts on “The Latest AMC Stock News For The Ape Community

  1. if amc goes up really high and you want to sell, doesnt someone have to buy them as well? how does it really work

    1. Hi Sacha – no, we don’t sell directly to the trader. We sell to a ‘middle-man’ being our brokers. They’re responsible for selling it to whoever wants to buy it, etc.

  2. I’m preparing documents at work in order for my part of what I do can be managed until they hire someone to replace me. So looking forward to be fully retired. Semi retired life has given me a taste, but I want the entire enchilada plate! Thank you for always posting such great content!

  3. How old is this short squeeze effect the 401k investors like vanguard?

  4. Hi, long time lurker… Ape since January 2021. I do have a question, these hedgies have billions of dollars, so will this affect them if they do in fact have the money. Do they need to have $250000 for every short sell? Or just in their account in general? Thank you!

    1. Hi Laura, took you how long to reach out? LOL – they need this in their accounts in general. This is going to destroy smaller short sellers who cannot afford this increase ☝️😂

  5. I am trying to read your article and I keep getting pop up advertisement to join, then I have to start at the beginning several times. I finally have to give up trying to read article. Does anyone else have this problem? Frustrating!

    1. That’s strange, the newsletter popup works fine mobile and on desktop. The widget is also designed to open once during your visit. If anyone else has this issue please advise, thanks.

    1. Hi Sacha, I cannot tell you what to do – but what I can tell you is that I sold my Apple and Tesla stock earlier this year to buy AMC 🙂

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