SEC is Now Investigating Meta Materials Former and Current CEOs

The SEC is now investigating Meta Materials former CEO John Brda (Torchlight) and current CEO George Palikaras according to a new filing.

7 thoughts on “SEC is Now Investigating Meta Materials Former and Current CEOs

  1. Just the normal SEC protocol to make the companies and retail traders who are getting screwed by their Hedge Fund buddies, look bad and to divert attention away from their lack of regulation and job duties. The SEC is a total disgrace to the US financial system.

  2. It is disgusting to me that they would spend there energy targeting Metamaterials and yet we have been stonewalled in regards to MMTLP.
    Why was it on the Secs fraud radar for over a year, why was it listed in the OTC illigaly, no 211, no F6 and did not meet the piggy back exemptions. Why have FINRA not released trading data, cat data or an audited share count. Why did shorts not cover with the trch MMAT merger.
    But most importantly, why the halt?
    Thankfully Eli Crane has asked for a brief from Gary Gensler about what happened with MMTLP… It’s time to investigate the SEC and why they protect short hedgefunds.

  3. The SEC is just moving the attention away from themselves. They should be investigating themselves!

    1. Naked shorts are killing the whole market, glad they investigate. How about AMC price dancing around 3 dollars after hours in a few minutes. Was so fast some saw upside I saw low.. 😧 no reason for that except to benefit puts and calls.

    2. What a disgrace that the SEC which is tasked with protecting retail investors go after the very people who have been trying to do just that. If any US citizen is under the illusion that the SEC is in place for fair and free markets then think again. It is obvious that this is an intimidation tactic and as usual the SEC is looking after their buddies on Wall St. It should be defunded or completely reorganised using people that have no ties whatsoever to the banking/financial industry. I.e. they are completely independent.

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