New Report: Illegal Naked Short Selling is Legal for Citadel

The illegal practice of selling shares that have not been determined to exist (naked short selling) is legal for Ken Griffin's Citadel.

10 thoughts on “New Report: Illegal Naked Short Selling is Legal for Citadel

  1. The Chief of Mullen is still doing his old tricks.Grab a bunch of Mullen stock and sell it right now. He has been lining his pockets and the investors keep getting knocked down. Not a lot of honesty there.

  2. Do you believe the lawsuit that Northwest biotherapeutics has brought against them will have an impact on there future activities?

  3. I think we already know the answers to these questions. Mark Cohodes stated a while back that market makers are the only ones who can create synthetics. While I think there’s some merit to it my question is where does it end? Are they able to create infinite shares regardless of the float size?

    1. Please write about Mmtlp ! If this is resolved you will be an American hero !

    2. So, could retail organize and submit a bunch of buy orders in AMC, and if market makers do not supply that infinite liquidity but will for other hedge funds or institutional investors, could that represent an unfair and biased use of market maker exemptions, with legal merit to sue or hold them financially responsible through the courts? As well as, regulators that are complicit? There are many of us retail that are looking for ways to deter and hold those accountable that rig our free and fair markets.

      1. reg sho clearly states a time when the books must get balanced back. they are not doing it.

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