14 thoughts on “Mullen Announces New Illegal Shorting Investigation

  1. 100% agree. The market is rampant with blatant stealing from retail investors and driving companies down illegally. In the end, good companies are getting forced below $1 dollar a shares and then delisted. SEC needs to do better to protect companies and retail investors.

  2. How’s this market fair if they are allowed to ftd all the f in time they are not holding up their end of the transactions and blatantly stealing retailers money and driving companies down illegally


    1. I don’t understand why AA refuses to do so either & lives in denial but claims to stand w us, his sh! Smh

    1. Exactly Howard , He doesn’t give a damn about share holders as long as we are stupid enough to keep buying his shares he criminal gets and dumps on us. We need to organize and refuse to buy any more shares . At this point buying in in the high forties. I will never see my invest break even. I wish evil on this man he has destroyed millions of good people, I never wish evil on someone. He has more money than he can spend and this is a game to him to see how smart he is, The money is how he keeps score. How can he sleep at night

      1. These negative comments toward AA and AMC are obvious shills trying to stir up bad feelings toward the company. Ridiculous

        1. lol you are the shill or completely uniformed . Do you think losing 90 % of your shares is good , Knowing damn well the stock will be shorted right back to where it is. Show me a revers split that worked out well for the shareholders . I am trying to be polite . Its hard with you

        2. No we are sh for 3+ yrs now not happy with some of the choices HE made & look where it got us! Just cuz we aren’t AA a** kissers doesn’t mean we are shills! We choose to use our brain instead of following blindly! The fact not 1 director, actor, set, producers etc hasn’t said 1 word nor done a damn thing to defend what helps employ them nor investing to help save what employs..we are fighting harder for all the execs, above, etc. Than those who make millions…that alone should make u scratch your head & question why AA isn’t using or taking advantage of the opportunities he has that could help the sh pr & screw shorts! He isn’t doing that cuz he is on their side! Every decision made since we lost 100% control has caused the share pr to go down but yeah good job AA 🤦‍♀️🙄 We were at 25 pre APE. Now Beyer TWO tickers for ONE Co & we are at pandemic lows when everything was closed. Or the fact AA himself said ” I could of sold for 5 BILLION in 2021, be DEBT FREE, SH were FOR it, but I decided to wait.”-AA Why wouldn’t any CEO take an opportunity to make their Co debt free? Ask yourself that! Or “I have never even considered, thought about, nor is it an option, a split or a r/s.”-AA Yr later APE comes out. Less than a yr after that r/s vote, so all AA has done is he himself PROVED he IS a LIAR & who’s side he is really on! Open your eyes & quit following blindly. These are FACTS! 3.5 yrs I have been a sh, was a die hard for AA, but then I started thinking for myself & realized he is just as crooked as those who almost caused AMC to go into bankruptcy! We are NOT shills, we are HONEST!

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