Investors are sharing a petition on social media for the resignation of FINRA CEO Robert W. Cook.
This past weekend, transcripts were released revealing FINRA knew about the manipulation of MMTLP stock at least a year in advance before the U3 halt and delisting of the ticker in December of last year.
Investors who held shares of MMTLP stock on the record date of December 12 would receive a preferred dividend of Next Bridge Hydrocarbon on Wednesday, December the 14th.
However, MMTLP stock stopped trading on Thursday, December 8 after FINRA delisted the security without notice or warning.
FINRA responded to investors affected by the aftermath in March, but the retail community are now calling for the resignation of FINRA CEO Robert Cook.
Nearly 6,000 investors have signed the petition at the time of this publication.
“I signed. Call for the resignation of Robert W. Cook President and CEO of FINRA – sign the petition,” said John Brda, former CEO of Torchlight, which merged with Meta Materials in 2021.
O’Keefe Media Group Joins the Fight

We’ve been able to raise enough awareness on the events that occurred with MMTLP that at first, we were able to receive FINRA’s attention on social media instantly.
Now, James O’Keefe, a guerilla journalist has reached out to community members interested in the story.
With FINRA’s email leaks now circulating the retail community, there’s no way FINRA or the SEC can deny their incompetence, neglect, and their role in screwing over retail investors.
Will the petition for the resignation of FINRA CEO Robert Cook make a difference?
It already has — the bold statement is already creating waves.
The goal is to hold culprits accountable for their crimes.
Wall Street has for far too long been getting away with people’s money through back doors created by lobbied regulatory agencies.
This is the decade where real change happens.
Latest MMTLP News

- MMTLP Investors Want Their Two Trading Days Back
- MMTLP Shareholders Demand FINRA Release Blue Sheets
- Subpoenas Will Go Out Says John Brda
- MMTLP Investors Now Reaching Out to Oversight Committee
- FINRA Responds to Investors Affected by MMTLP Aftermath
- MMTLP Scandal Recognized as Biggest Wall Street Fraud
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I have to believe you’re right about this being the decade for change. I’m only a small retail investor, but it’s people exactly like me who stand to gain the most from sweeping financial reform. Those few that would rather see things stay in Wall Street’s institutions favor are often in you articles, Frank 😉 Without the word spreading nothing will change. Keep on writing, please. LoL
I want a petition to fire Gary Gensler asap he gotta go.
There was actually one a while back.
Now Geiger and Yellen before there next gift!!
How do we sign the petition
Here’s the petition: https://www.change.org/p/call-for-the-resignation-of-robert-w-cook-president-and-ceo-of-finra?recruiter=1290732141&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=psf_combo_share_initial&recruited_by_id=56a1f760-8969-11ed-ab67-1bfd823b5eef&share_bandit_exp=initial-35191586-en-US
How do I sign the petition?
Here’s the link: https://www.change.org/p/call-for-the-resignation-of-robert-w-cook-president-and-ceo-of-finra?recruiter=1290732141&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=psf_combo_share_initial&recruited_by_id=56a1f760-8969-11ed-ab67-1bfd823b5eef&share_bandit_exp=initial-35191586-en-US
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