Hedging Against America: The Mudrick Short Report

21 thoughts on “Hedging Against America: The Mudrick Short Report

  1. Love your guts girl! Great write up Laura. Appreciate the timeline and reminder of what can be accomplished when people work together.
    Also… adore your profile pic! Our family is obsessed with dogs! Thank you for your energy, time and $ spent protecting our fury friends. You’re an inspiration for all to be the best humans we can be.
    (When an appropriate time presents, possibly include an address for $ donation for your sled dog rescue.)

    1. HJ – Love your kind words, thank you so much!

      I haven’t been able to start my own sled dog rescue (yet!) but behind the scenes I was pretty instrumental in the making of this documentary:


      If you would like to watch the whole film maybe Frankie can send me your email address and I’ll send you out a direct link. Ultimately I would like to see the Iditarod end completely, but in the meantime the best place to donate to help the dogs is http://www.theaugustfund.com or even better adopt one of the many retired sleddies they are trying to re-home. Guaranteed to change your life forever, these are some of the coolest dogs on earth.

      1. Laura thank you for your reply, and yes to all of the above! We currently are a pack family with a Boarder Collie and a Boarder/Aussie mix both 4 yrs. males. Would this environment be a match? I will ckeck the links you included.

  2. Thank you Frank Nez and Laura Stine for such a cogent and informative article. I’m going to the moon or bust.

  3. Great article and the outline for the movie coming to an AMC cinema near you

    1. That would be fantastic! Thank you so much for the kind words, I’m glad you enjoyed the read.

  4. Excellent and thorough read… Thank you Laura for the DD, and welcome!

  5. What a great article that shows a timeline of facts. This is what the main stream media should be reporting on, but won’t because big money and powerful influencers are involved.
    Kudos to Laura Stine for exposing the truth. Looking forward to your future articles.

    1. Thank you! Believe me, I tried very hard to pitch this to the main stream.

          1. All the community asks for is fair, truthful and unbiased reporting, which this was

          1. Laura, thank you for the time and effort put into research this great article. Seems like a great interview opportunity for a Charles Payne or Michele Lee to bring the actions of the hedge funds to light.

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