Hardge Says New Patents to Be Filed in Middle East

Market News Daily - Hardge Says New Patents to Be Filed in Middle East.
Market News Daily – Hardge Says New Patents to Be Filed in Middle East.

Global EV Technology founder Lawrence Hardge says new patents are to be filed in the Middle East to use his EV technology soon.

Mullen Advanced Energy Operations (MAEO) recently named Lawrence Hardge to the position of Senior Vice President of Technology earlier this week.

Lawrence will be overseeing all technological aspects of the Energy Management Module (“EMM”) applications for the company.

Mullen announced in late April that it began working on its $680,000 federal contract agreement with the District of Columbia.

The contract is for the purchase and installation of Energy Management Module units on Chevrolet Bolts within the D.C. city government’s vehicle fleet.

In March 2021, Element Materials Technology conducted specific vehicle testing on 2020 Chevy Bolts installed with EMM units with test results being a calculated increase in range from 269 to 431 miles, which is a 60% increase in efficiency.

“We have tested EMM technology in various vehicle applications and have repeatedly seen significant improvements in range.

I am extremely pleased to partner with Mullen for the commercialization and global availability of the EMM technology,” said Lawrence Hardge, CEO of Global EVT.

“As testing and installations continue in D.C., we will provide further updates,” said David Michery, CEO and chairman of Mullen Automotive.

Testing and installation is planned for completion on a total of 40 vehicles over the next few weeks.

Global EV Founder Updates Mullen Shareholders on Saudi Deal

Market News Daily - Hardge Says New Patents to Be Filed in Middle East.
Market News Daily – Hardge Says New Patents to Be Filed in Middle East.

In early May, Lawrence Hardge said Mullen Automotive has a $10 billion contract with Saudi Arabia via Facebook live.

Mullen Automotive has not officially confirmed the $10bn contract with Saudi Arabia, but investors are sharing Lawrence’s latest update on the Mullen Saudi deal on social media.

“Time to shut these naysayers down.

Representatives from my team have been in Saudi since last week Friday working on binging the Saudi Deal to fruition.

I represent facts, this is my story behind it,” said Lawrence on Facebook before taking down his post on Wednesday.

Close followers are sharing another screenshot where Hardge says new patents will be filed in the Middle East for his technology — the same tech being used in D.C at the moment.

The Global EV Technology founder published the following statement on Facebook:

“Thank you. However, it is very difficult for me to keep quiet. However, the world will appreciate the new developments and deals we have been quiet about until announcement. I love you Tesla. I own one.

Time for me to have my own brand. Mullens will be the next Tesla. I retrofitted a Tesla and improved mileage to almost 500 miles with four passengers. Yes we are in negotiations with a host of international companies.

I made the decision to contract with Mullen’s because some saw them as the underdog like myself and today we are no longer chasing companies. I remained quite until everything was certified and blessed by the big companies. Being a minority I knew I had to be better than the competition.

Better vehicle for the everyday worker. I’m for the consumer sand not for raising millions and saying we will be ready 3 years from now. We are ready now. Stay tuned.

Let the proof be the judge. Thank you Detroit, Michigan & Washington DC to be the first major entity to use my technology. Yes new patents have been filed. Soon in the Middle East as well. Respectfully and forever humble.”

Further Announcements to Come from Mullen Automotive

Lawrence posted to Facebook that he would no longer be announcing/leaking new information regarding to Mullen’s position.

He made the following statement:

“Hello to everyone. I am doing well and focus. Things are going well. Any further announcements will come from Mullens and the parties I am doing business with.

There is nothing else for me to do. I have proven the technology is real over and over on many and numerous occasions & applications…

Some people will do anything to block this technology from entering the marketplace although it is too late for that.

Now it is time to see what I created on vehicles… It is about to get crazy soon.

To keep my insanity I am changing my phone numbers beforehand. I shall forever be humble..

I created a monster that I don’t know if it is good or bad. He continues, “I am not getting any rest or sleep with all of the calls and texts and emails.

Not to mention people calling for interviews. Thanks to all…”

Recently, the Global EV Tech founder has been leaking information Mullen Automotive has not yet officially announced.

If Hardge’s information is true, Mullen Automotive may be a company many investors might have wanted to get into before getting big.

But I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.

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Market News Today - Hardge Says New Patents to Be Filed in Middle East.
Market News Today – Hardge Says New Patents to Be Filed in Middle East.

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  1. Noname

    Lawrence had better be quiet. I trusted and invested in a $10 billion contract, and after two weeks, the team changed its words that it was under contract, and the credit gradually disappeared. Now my investment is -50%

  2. Ran

    Mullen will succeed! Look at where Tesla came from and Mullen has much more to offer apart from vehicles.

    • Noname

      Lawrence had better be quiet. I trusted and invested in a $10 billion contract, and after two weeks, the team changed its words that it was under contract, and the credit gradually disappeared. Now my investment is -50%

  3. Frank Nez

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