Another massive US company is now laying off in Illinois as workers across the Midwest have lost their jobs in recent months.
Deere & Co will lay off close to three dozen production employees at an Illinois agriculture equipment plant, adding to the hundreds of positions cut over the last few months as the tractor maker responds to slowing global demand.
Deere informed 34 workers at its Moline Cylinder Works factory on May 3 that they will be let go at the end of the month, the company said in an email to Agriculture Dive.
The plant manufactures the power units of Deere’s equipment.
“Each John Deere factory balances the size of its production workforce with the needs of the individual factory to optimize the workforce at each facility,” a spokesperson said to Agriculture Dive.
The layoffs add to the hundreds of positions cut within the past year as tractor manufacturers adjust to declining demand and shift focus toward digital services.
Deere laid off 225 workers in Illinois last October, and recently announced it would cut more than 400 jobs across two factories in Iowa.
Meanwhile, analysts are revising their projections downward as the tractor giant gears up to report second-quarter earnings this week.
Investors anticipate weaker sales with U.S. farmer income declining, leaving little room for equipment and crop protection purchases in recent months, reports Manufacturing Dive.
John Deere Cylinder Works has about 280 employees, with about 190 in production and maintenance jobs.
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Also Read: A Giant Company Now Announces Unexpected Layoffs in Virginia
Other Economy News Today
US schools are now bracing for painful layoffs across the United States as pandemic aid packages come to an end.
Schools across the country are announcing teacher and staff layoffs as districts brace for the end of a pandemic aid package that delivered the largest one-time federal investment in K-12 education, reports CNN.
The funds must be used by the end of September, creating a sharp funding cliff as schools also struggle with widespread enrollment declines and inflation.
Many districts have warned of layoffs as the current school year comes to a close and next year’s budgets are planned.
In Missoula, Montana, for example, the public school district is considering cutting 33 teaching positions and 13 administrative positions, including its special education director and fine arts director, as it faces a budget shortfall.
“The last time that MCPS (Missoula County Public Schools) saw these types of reductions was almost a generation ago,” superintendent Micah Hill said at a school board meeting earlier this year.
Not only is the federal funding ending, but enrollment at the district’s schools has fallen by nearly 500 students – or roughly 5% – since 2019.
At the same time, the district is facing rising insurance and utility costs, Hill said in a statement sent to CNN.
In Arlington, Texas, the public school district will cut 275 positions at the end of this school year that were funded by the federal pandemic aid funds.
They include staff that helped provide after-school care, tutoring and mental health services.
The district, which employs about 8,500 staff in total, has said that employees affected by the layoffs can apply to other available positions.
And in Hartford, Connecticut, 30 teachers and 79 other staff members have been notified that they have lost their jobs. In total, about 384 positions will be cut, though some of them were already vacant and others won’t be filled after a staff member retires or leaves.
Enrollment at Hartford Public Schools is down 21% since 2010 due to a decline in the school-age population and a policy that allows Hartford residents to enroll at schools in neighboring districts.
“That is a long-term problem that has been exacerbated by the ESSER cliff,” superintendent Leslie Torres-Rodriguez said in a statement sent to CNN.
ESSER, or Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief, refers to the grant program that provided the federal pandemic-related relief funds.
How many teacher layoffs will occur this year?
If staffing levels were to fall back to the same levels they were before the pandemic in 2018-19, districts would need to lay off 384,000 full-time staff, according to Chad Aldeman, an education analyst.
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Also Read: An Unexpected Retailer Is Now Closing All Stores in Illinois
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