January 13, 2025

AMC Falls After Trading Halt: Was This Illegal?

8 thoughts on “AMC Falls After Trading Halt: Was This Illegal?

  1. Since GME went above the “Floor of 157” I tried to short it but got greedy and put in an order to short at 195 that didn’t fill. 188 would have filled; my broker this time told me the had “located shares but the hard-2-borrow fee would be 7%” which they never did before. The broker has been bought by the Wokest of the Woke–MS; I have a bad feeling I’m not going to be allowed to short the peaks of GME which I did 8 times last year netting 12,777 clams. Last year’s hard-2-borow and other fees in my shorting totalled about 3 clams–so Something Is Going On. Think! I could have gotten 2K clams if I had shorted 2-3 days ago! Anyone else out there shorting the peaks and covering in the valleys or am I the only one? In a sane world GME would be trading at 50-60. Two things:
    1) “The Floor is 157”: GME sold some shares in 2021 to take advantage of Fools. Dividing the loot gotten by the shares sold gives 157 a share. Below that there are “influence[r]s” who can “work” against any dips so it’s unsafe to short below 157—which I’ve learned the hard way.
    2) Just what is “Days to Cover”? Explain. I have several possibilities that make interference. Also, how are hard-2-borrow fees calculated? Now having over 200K free and clear in my account may mean the broker allows me to do “cheap” shorting; they’ve closed their branch offices and phone waiting is almost measured in hours and they don’t even answer their e-mails and other messages. They did tell me their “back office” two years ago was working only 2 days a week which is why mailed checks took almost 3 weeks to be processed..

  2. Speaking honestly, I lost my cool when I noticed the halt. The market manipulation is more ridiculous than ever. We’ve been patiently holding, making noise, and just when we think its our time, we are left scratching our heads.

    Oh and I wasn’t sure if the short interest was updated today. Is it still around 21%?

    Thanks Frank! 👊

  3. Halting stock should be 100% illegal. This is manipulation that is one sided!

  4. So long as they are able to halt trading, what’s to say they don’t just keep doing this…no?

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