AMC Demands FINRA to Look at Skyrocketing FTDs

Market News Daily: AMC Demands FINRA and NYSE Look into Stock.
Market News Daily: AMC Demands FINRA and NYSE Look into Stock.

AMC Entertainment (NYSE:AMC) CEO announced that the company has contacted both FINRA and the NYSE to look closely at the trading of their stock.

“Many of you, and we, are aware that AMC Entertainment has been on ‘The Threshold List‘ for 3+ weeks, indicating a number of FTDs.

Some of you may be pleased to learn that we have contacted both FINRA and the NYSE asking that they both look closely at the trading of our stock.”

AMC failure-to-delivers (FTDs) have been begun to rise again.

FTDs topped 6.8 million in February (non-cumulative), amounting to more than $36 million in failed to close orders.

The data is still being reported which means there’s a possibility we may see higher FTDs once February’s entire month has been processed.

AMC Entertainment demands FINRA and NYSE to look into FTDs.
AMC Entertainment demands FINRA and NYSE to look into FTDs.

Now AMC’s CEO Adam Aron is demanding FINRA and the NYSE to look into the company’s alarming FTDs.

FTDs, or Failure-to-deliver occurs when one party in a trading contract (whether it’s shares, futures, or options) fails to deliver on their obligations.

These failures derive due to buyers not having enough money to take delivery and pay for the transaction at settlement.

In the case of sellers, it means not having the goods to meet that transaction.

Failure-to-delivers can occur in options trading or when selling short naked, per Investopedia.

According to Investopedia, AMC failure-to-delivers can also occur if there is a technical problem in the settlement process carried out by the respective parties (clearing houses).

Investors say there’s a major conflict of interest when Citadel Clearing LLC processes retail orders worldwide.

Adam Aron Demands FINRA and NYSE Look into AMC Stock

AMC Demands FINRA to Look at Skyrocketing FTDs
Market News Daily: AMC Demands FINRA to Look at Skyrocketing FTDs.

Ever since the Genius Group (GNS) CEO Roger Hamilton publicly began calling out short sellers and #NakedShorts, AMC shareholders have been hoping for Adam Aron to also join the fight.

While Adam Aron may be binded to what he can and cannot say, this is the closes we’ve see the CEO to join shareholders in an activist role.

The CEO has been criticized for not speaking out on market injustices, even after skyrocketing reports of FTDs in the company stock.

And although the CEO has said in the past he has never seen any signs of ‘synthetic shares’ floating around, today’s news requesting FINRA and the NYSE to look into the company stock is a massive win for activist investors.

There is no longer denial, now there is acceptance of an important part of market structure that must be thoroughly investigated by our regulators.

But I’m curious to know how you feel about this investigation.

Do you think this will lead Adam Aron to dive into the rabbit hole?

Do you applaud the CEO for taking this unexpected approach?

Leave your thoughts in the comment section down below.

Market News Published Daily

Market News Today - AMC Demands FINRA to Look at Skyrocketing FTDs
Market News Today – AMC Demands FINRA to Look at Skyrocketing FTDs.

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  1. Appetite4Risk

    I believe in light of recent events such as uptick in FTD’s, time on threshold list, and banks starting to collapse, it would not be unreasonable to ask AA to delay this vote. I think it would rally individual investor base and restore faith in AA as our CEO. The board could always raise capital in Q2 or Q3.

  2. Holländer

    Ich finde es eine absolute Sauerei was bei den Ami‘s alles durchgeht. Korruption ist ein scheiss dagegen. Firmen und Investoren das Geld stehlen. Ich hoffe das die Betrüger dafür bezahlen. Ich werde keinen Euro mehr in die offensichtliche Betrügerei mehr stecken. Firma, DTCC, SEC …alles Betrug. Bin sprachlos immer wieder.

    • Frank Nez

      Es ist wirklich entmutigend. Ich glaube, dass die Sensibilisierung den Anlegern die Möglichkeit gibt, sich zu wehren. Irgendwann ist der ganze Lärm schwer zu ignorieren. Danke für deinen Beitrag.

  3. Sure

    I guess crushing the moass three times is enough? HIGHLY doubt he “demanded” anything. He may have asked or submit request, but demand, I call BS.

  4. mrcomp11

    AA is in the spotlight of the apes and AMC and this is a big tweet to put out. I would love to see if they can publish a report on their findings.

  5. Belinda

    Receipts plz. We need evidence that he truly submitted this claim.

    • Frank Nez

      Investors are demanding the letters confirming this. Will update as soon as released


    It’s about damn time! Now, AA must keep the pressure on.

    • Frank Nez


  7. Michael Stenson

    This feels positive. I’ve not had a lot of faith in the past that Adam Aron truly cared for his retail shareholders, as he had claimed. But actions speak louder than words. In my opinion this seems like an important first step. If he gets a response that doesn’t bring any closure or answers regarding the issue then maybe he can take further steps. I don’t know what he legally can or can’t do, but at least he’s doing something. I hope this is a sign of more action to come.

    • Frank Nez

      I agree – and I too hope it’s a sign of more action to come. Thanks for your input.

  8. Frank

    fuck him 2 years too late

    • Frank Nez


  9. Fireball RW

    No! , This is the pressure that is being put on Adam Aron, he knows the Threshold list is BS. Meaning it can easily be resolved by them the Hedges just moving it around., and it makes it look like he is trying to help retail. Let me also say its to his advantage to have higher prices on both AMC & APE just in case in can only drop shares on Ape like he threaten us it he did not get his yes vote. The truth is retail needs him to to do something concrete like hire Wes Christian or another lawyer to look at all the illegal activity.

    • Frank Nez

      I wonder if at some point he will take legal action — the whole FTD thing seems like a start? I understand your point, some people think it’s a stunt for a vote too. Could very well be, but I think him raising awareness is still something positive, even if it is two years later..

  10. AMC Holder

    This shows that AA is acting on the best interest of shareholders and making sure FINRA and NYSE are not blatantly ignoring market manipulation of its stock. FTDs can also review the broken infrastructure with FINRA and NYSE which requires more transparency and frequent reporting of FTDs. Failure to report and act in a timely manner are against a transparent and free market.

    • Frank Nez

      I would love to see an update on this from AA sometime down the road to see what information the company receives.

      • Chip

        I think that AA has a duty to report to the shareholders ASAP his findings. If you have been an AMC retail investor since January 2021 like I have been then you could have many thousands of dollars invested in this company. We have a legal right to know if AA is doing his job for the owners of this company. If not maybe it is time to replace the CEO.

  11. Debra

    Really do you think AA needed to speak out and tell Finra and NYSE there’s something going on? Every one of our governing agencies we pay to protect us are as crooked as a dogs back leg and have been looking through rose colored glasses while the corruption just keeps building. In the working class world you would get fired for not doing your job.

    • Frank Nez

      I think Adam Aron speaking out raises much needed awareness. Whatever happens outside of that is out of the company’s and shareholders control. But raising awareness is how change starts.

    • Alongapojoe

      Sometimes we have to push up our sleeves…and help others do the same.

  12. Frank Nez

    Leave your thoughts below!

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