AMC CEO Speaks on Short Thesis in New Letter

AMC Entertainment (NYSE:AMC) CEO Adam Aron is reiterating his take on the short thesis in a new letter published to shareholders.

8 thoughts on “AMC CEO Speaks on Short Thesis in New Letter

  1. Put your money back into the company Mr. Aron. A reverse split at this point is for your benefit and not the company’s. Shareholders saved your ass 2 years ago and this is how you repay them.

  2. How many times is this? 2? 3? It seems every time the momentum for a squeeze happens, my boy Adam intervenes and share price drops. Am I the only one that is seeing this? Am I imagining things?
    Clearly there is stock manipulation going on, but who is in it? I would like for a law firm subpoena all of Adam’s correspondence just to make sure he’s on our side.
    Why tweet about the letter now? Does he know the cash potential of a short squeeze on Monday? Has he ever heard of the GameStop squeeze?

    1. His priority is not a short squeeze but rather to avoid risk of bankruptcy. The
      fact that he issued a letter to inform shareholders is not a bad thing. If he had any say on a short squeeze happening then it would’ve happened a while back before APE was even issued. If you don’t like AMC or the CEO, just sell your shares and move on. I’ve done that several times already and my average is great 🙂

      1. So from your post: You’re not even close to being a true holder. You stated that you’ve bought and sold several times.~basically a fucking day trader. That also tells me you haven’t held long enough to know shit about AMC. Go back and look at the charts (long term, not short) and see the immediate run ups and correlate them to Adams’ posts. The other AMC holders that posted after me can tell you it’s happened before.

      2. I sold when it was at $68, $54 and $39. What do I know…not a diamond hand or cry baby for sure. I’ve even following AMC when it was under $3 and when Wanda group still owned it. That shows how much you really know or little that you know.

    2. I agree! Something is missing here and an investigation into Adam Aron is merited. All AMC investors who bought shares over $40 per share would be devastated by a 20-1 reverse split. The shareholders that saved the company are getting screwed.

    3. 100% agreed, AA is a con man, I once believed he was on our side, but those days are gone since I began seeing all the crap he’s been doing right when we go on a large run. From selling his shares, a dividence that almost lost its complete value that didn’t do a damn thing but lose inventors money, to diluting it to raise money and stopping the squeeze and now this crap. He wants to do a RS thinking this won’t get shorted down again. A RS is hardly every a positive thing unless your Tesla and a couple others out there. But mostly 95% of stocks that do a RS end up being right back in the same spot they were in before.

      This man has to go, 2.5 years since we retail have saved the company and the company still is bleeding money cause he hasn’t changed then format on which the company runs. Still running the same way he before the pandemic. He is terrible and everything he touched dies.

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