A judge has rejected the AMC APE conversion in the latest lawsuit update this Friday.
Vice Chancellor Morgan T. Zurn rejected a nine-figure settlement that would have let the conversion proceed while handing out extra stock to mitigate the impact on ordinary shareholders.
“AMC has been eager to convert the APEs and issue additional shares as it contends with rising interest rates that have complicated its loan financing.
The ruling, which defied the expectations of investors and analysts, sends the case—and the company, which is anxious to recapitalize—back to the drawing board,” says Bloomberg Law.
The litigation lasted five months, a battle that started back in February.
AMC Entertainment stock soared more than 87% after hours where shares reached $8.76 after closing at $4.40.
“The shareholder lawsuit, led by a pension fund and individual shareholder, accuses AMC of an illegal corporate engineering scheme aimed at sidelining its investor base.
The suit focuses in particular on a “mirror voting” clause requiring a stock depositary company to vote all of the preferred shares proportionately based on the actual APE votes cast.
That policy, combined with Antara’s 30% vote in favor of the deal, let the company manipulate the outcome, the suit says. The hedge fund—which emerged as a villain in the eyes of many retail investors—has said it’s gotten threatening phone calls from people claiming to be AMC stockholders.”
AMC Entertainment has yet to release an official statement related to the rejected proposal to convert APE into common shares of AMC stock.
AMC CEO Suggests Reverse Split is Crucial for Company’s Survival

CEO Adam Aron has suggested that a reverse stock split is crucial for the company’s survival according to a video that has surfaced during a meet and greet.
Today’s lawsuit has kept the company from splitting as well as from converting its APE shares into common stock.
Still, there are several shareholders who oppose AMC’s reverse split, primarily because of its dilutive nature as seen with Mullen Automotive and Vinco Ventures.
“Assuming that the judge approves the settlement, which sometime in the next I wouldn’t say days or weeks but probably months, 2, 3, 4, months, then we can actually implement your suggestions.
And when we do that, I said there was one caveat right, the caveat is we need this judge to approve the settlement.
But when she does, if she does, but when she does, I hope she does, that means that I know in my heart of hearts for the first time in three years I can relax; because I will know then that we made it.
Because no matter what the world throws at us, Bubonic Plague, Dengue Fever, whatever the world throws at us, we’ll be able to raise the money we need to survive it,” said Adam Aron at a showing.
More than 87% of shareholders approved the dilutive proposals; however, the process is momentarily on hold.
Also Read: Adam Aron Speaks on AMC’s New Reverse Stock Split
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Adam Aron should resign. He doesn’t give a shit about the retail investors that kept him in business and rich! Other CEOs are fighting back. Why isn’t he?
The way I read it was the settlement was rejected but the conversion is on track
There’s no guarantee after RS AMC share price will withstand the short hedge funds bashing it. That’s one question no one has been able to answer on twitter or Reddit. It’s a legitimate concern I have.
These Roller Coaster rides Retail Investors are forced to endure.
Scabs like Citadel Report their FTDs in Earnings & FECKLESS SEC…
hides their Fat Manila Envelopes!
Why is it taking so long to get the Corrupt #finraFRAUD resolved for instance?
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