AMC CEO Adam Aron Curses Mainstream Media

AMC CEO Adam Aron curses MarketWatch and Benzinga for spreading blatant misinformation. Here's everything he had to say on Twitter.

8 thoughts on “AMC CEO Adam Aron Curses Mainstream Media

  1. Hey Aaron. Is the big boy crying because someone’s lied about his company. Oh my God ….grow up ….take it like a man. It’s funny how you can screw over all your shareholders but when it comes to someone that’s doing false advertising about AMC then you cry. How about crying for your shareholders …..that lost a lot of money due to your stupid games. Calling your split a dividend by driving your stock down from $22 to five dollars and then try to do another reversal split and making sure that a lot of shareholders didn’t get their vote proxies so that you can turn around and say yes for us. You should be ashamed of yourself. You’re nothing but a crook. So stop crying maybe… I will give you a tissue

  2. AA is nothing but talk. He will actually end up doing nothing to help the retail investors. He has already made his millions and now he is screwing the retail investors that helped save this company 2 years ago. The retail investors put their trust in AA and are now losing the money they invested in AMC.

  3. Mr. Aron is full of shit and does nothing to protect his investors. He should resign today and get someone in there that gives a damn.

  4. Wish he would spew the same vitriol against those who have been manipulating the stock price for the last 20 months, especially with his big APE play designed to be a “pounce” on the shorters.

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