December 8, 2024

A Home Furniture Store Now Files An Unexpected Bankruptcy

A home furniture store now files an unexpected bankruptcy due to financial challenges that threaten its survival.

3 thoughts on “A Home Furniture Store Now Files An Unexpected Bankruptcy

  1. Many businesses are claiming bankrupcy even when economies are “doing well”. Aside from restaurants, which haven’t been able to find enough employees (in US anyway) and can’t raise costs enough to cover higher expenses, I wonder how many of these are “zombie companies” that depend on cheap borrowed money to operate. They only make enough profit to cover interest, not principal. One was Bed, Bath, and Beyond – I saw their previous CEO made $17M a few years ago.
    This seems to be a poor business model for too many companies over the past 20 years. When rates go up, they can’t operate. It’d be good if higher rates clear them out, but they employ a LOT of people.

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