The ‘Apes’ Have Exposed Market Corruption: But What’s Being Done?

8 thoughts on “The ‘Apes’ Have Exposed Market Corruption: But What’s Being Done?

  1. I gathered from the GG/JS interview that we need let the companies we invest in know that we don’t want them trading on certain exchanges or well stop investing in them. Blockchain is therefore the likely solution.

  2. Corruption is so deep and done by so many powerful, rich people/organizations (HFs and banks that control politicians) that I think retail should get out completely and let these guys steal from each other. It is controlled by most powerful criminal organizations in the history of the world. The head of SEC wants to rely on whistleblowers where it is clear as a day with substantial proof that HF and market makers with support from banks are manipulating the stock market and stealing from everyday average people.

    1. He talks about whistleblowers. Well, there were more than one calls to the SEC about Bernie Madoff for about 10 years before he was finally exposed. So for 10 or so years, he kept getting away with it while nothing was investigated. What a joke.

  3. The answer is to start a new market and leave the uncertainty of the current stock exchange behind. Plant the seed.

  4. Why can’t we get Harry Markopolos, the best forensic accounting and financial fraud investigator, to go after the law breakers?

  5. No, I don’t think a whistleblower program would be helpful very much. Nothing good ever befalls whistleblowers.There are more examples than I care to remember.

  6. Why no comments on DRS (Direct Registering Shares) via ComputerShare? This takes shares out of the DTCC where they are being used to short and do other financial trickery. GME apes locking the float might be the key to finally trigger the big squeeze.

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