MULN Stock Continues to Drop Despite Positive Developments

Why is MULN stock dropping despite positive developments and news surrounding the company? Here are the latest updates.

7 thoughts on “MULN Stock Continues to Drop Despite Positive Developments

  1. Didn’t Mullen have the Dragonfly then lose it after they just stopped paying the contract? It seems every time good news breaks, right around the corner follows contradictory news. David’s a much better hype man than a ceo. I won’t believe anything until I start seeing actual cars leaving the Mississippi facility.

  2. Dear Frank,
    Not sure why the stock is dropping in value, those developments normally would launch a stock . So, most likely something indeed is happening behind the scenes. Be that as it may , eventually it’s going to launch and will just continue to accrue more shares at these reasonable prices . Your thoughts?

    1. It’s hard to say, something is definitely happening behind the scenes. I wouldn’t put more money than I can afford to lose on this play. MMTLP community lost everything from delisting. This is the worst case scenario for MULN. Best case scenario, this stock finally shoots up to $1+.

      1. Frank is that official that everyone who was in MMTLP has lost there money? I am in that
        play and have not heard anything. Thanks for any insight you can share.

  3. Isn’t the CEO diluting the stock as well, that’s a reason why the price could be dropping. This CEO has made promises after promises and there is still nothing to show

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