December 6, 2024

JP Morgan Manipulated Gold to Keep Hedge Funds Happy

6 thoughts on “JP Morgan Manipulated Gold to Keep Hedge Funds Happy

  1. It seems like “The Godfather” movie comment about they were going legit in 10-15 years was accurate. Organized crime now seems to control the stock market (and many other areas) as banks, hedge funds, Federal Reserve (created/owns DTCC to hide NYSE trades from public/lawsuits, and exempt from income taxes..), and SEC all seem to be in bed together – working against the public interest.

  2. Everyone is making a big mistake in assuming that the Fed is printing too much money and going to make the dollar worthless.

    Why is it with trillions and trillions of new dollars in circulation the price of gold and silver are dropping?

    The answer, which nobody on the Internet seems to understand or want to talk about is very simple.

    All The excess dollars in circulation are simply IOUs from the US treasury to the federal reserve bank.

    It would be like if you had a favorite child and every time they needed money they came to you and wrote you a personal check and you gave them cash in exchange for their personal check which you then simply never deposited and just kept it in your desk drawer.

    This persons bank account would never be overdrafted because they knew that you would never cash all the checks that you’ve written to them.

    In return you would have complete control over the person writing all these worthless checks, because anytime you wanted you could submit them deposit them and this person would be charged with fraud.

    So at the end of the day the dollar will get stronger, and gold and silver will get weaker, until the US treasury and the federal reserve bank decide to reverse their present course.

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